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Autori: I.Tiseanu, M.Mayer, T.Craciunescu, A.Hakola, S. Koivuranta, J. Likonen, C.Ruset, C.Dobrea
Editorial: Surface & Coatings Technology, 205, p.S192-S107, 2011.
Tungsten erosion, its subsequent transport and redeposition are of great interest, because a full tungsten divertor is foreseen to be used during the deuterium–tritium operational phase of ITER. The erosion of tungsten and carbon marker layers was extensively studied in the outer divertor of ASDEX Upgrade (AUG), and work is currently in progress to completely replace the existing JET CFC tiles with tungsten-coated tiles within the JET ITER-like wall project. The need for fast and non-destructive method which allows the quantitative determination of the thickness of a tungsten coating on a carbon material on large areas led us to evaluate a combined absorption/fluorescence X-ray (XRTF) technique. The method can provide fast analysis, high spatial resolution and a material selective detection of deposited layers and inclusions. It was applied on W coated fine grain graphite (FGG) tiles from AUG’s divertor. It is proved that the method is able to provide information about the uniformity of the tungsten coating on a graphite or CFC substrate whilst the technique can be used to determine the thickness of the tungsten and other marker materials coatings. It represents a unique instrument for the post-mortem analysis of the coatings.
Cuvinte cheie: Tungsten, Erosion, X-ray fluorescence, Microtomography, ASDEX, JET