Scopul nostru este sprijinirea şi promovarea cercetării ştiinţifice şi facilitarea comunicării între cercetătorii români din întreaga lume.
From: David Sumpter
Date: Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 9:14 PM
Subject: 4 PhD and 2 Postdoc positions in Interdisciplinary Mathematics
The Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematics ( is
now recruiting Postdoctoral researchers (2 positions) and PhD
students (4 positions). The aim of these positions is to widen the
breadth of research done in Uppsala and allow novel research projects
that cross disciplinary boundaries to be carried out.
Full details can be found at:
PhD students:
More details of the procedure are given below for potential project supervisors.
The procedure is similar for PhD students and Postdocs and will be
carried out in three stages.
1, The first stage is application (deadline 22nd December). Applicants
for these positions must have a project proposal for the research they
would like to do in Uppsala. This should usually involve two
supervisors, one from a mathematical area and one from another
research area. So the first stage is for potential supervisors to find
candidates and propose a project together with the candidate. If you
have a project but no candidate, the best thing to do is send a short
project description to CIM’s director Elisabeth Larsson
( and/or Alma Kirlic
( These will then be put up on the CIM
webpages for candidates to see. You may also find that candidates
contact you directly about the positions.
If you are a potential supervisor, please try to find one or two
candidates with whom you develop a realistic project, rather than
supporting multiple applications with vague project descriptions.
2, The second stage is evaluation of the candidates and projects. This
will be done by all members of the CIM board
( and they will decide
who to invite to interview, contacting supervisors directly if
additional information is required. Those invited to interview will be
asked to prepare a study plan before the interview.
3, The final stage is interview. These are scheduled for the 2nd and
3rd of February.