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Autori: N. Popescu-Bodorin, V.E. Balas, I.M. Motoc
Editorial: IEEE Press, Proc. 5th IEEE Int. Symp. on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, p.149-154, 2011.
This paper shows that maintaining logical consistency of an iris recognition system is a matter of finding a suitable partitioning of the input space in enrollable and unenrollable pairs by negotiating the user comfort and the safety of the biometric system. In other words, consistent enrollment is mandatory in order to preserve system consistency. A fuzzy 3valent disambiguated model of iris recognition is proposed and analyzed in terms of completeness, consistency, user comfort and biometric safety. It is also shown here that the fuzzy 3valent model of iris recognition is hosted by an 8valent Boolean algebra of modulo 8 integers that represents the computational formalization in which a biometric system (a software agent) can achieve the artificial understanding of iris recognition in a logically consistent manner.
Cuvinte cheie: iris recognition, fuzzy logic, biometry // iris recognition, fuzzy logic, biometry