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Domenii publicaţii > Stiinte ingineresti + Tipuri publicaţii > Articol în revistã ştiinţificã
Autori: Igreţ, S.V., Negrilã, R.I., Bocîi, L.S.
Editorial: Metalurgia Internaţional , XVI, no. 9, p.46 - 52, 2011.
In this workshop we elaborated several heat treatment tests to a large number of cams in order to achieve better results of mechanical resistance of a tubular camshaft made for an internal combustion engine. The most important results of our tests are represented in a few graphics and tables in this workshop
Cuvinte cheie: Camshaft, durity, hardening, austenite, cementite, martensite, troostite, heat treatments