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Autori: Sz. Tonk, M. Stanca, C. Majdik, C. Indolean, S. Burcã, T. Pernyeszi, B. Tóthmérész
Editorial: Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai - Chemia, 53 (3), p.31-37, 2008.
The main purpose of this research paper was to study the Cd2+ adsorption capacity of green algae from solutions of heavy metal in different concentrations. In this respect, experimental determinations were carried out using Scenedesmus opoliensis species to investigate the power of retention of green algae when it is used as natural biological filter. The adsorption processes was studied using three different concentrations, regime, at normal temperature and pH = 5.2. Heavy metal ion was namely 4.36 mg Cd2+/L, 12.70 mgCd2+/L and 20.49 mg Cd2+/L, in dynamic adsorbed up to a yield of 50-52% over an interval of no more than 120 minutes, with an important increase in the first 10 minutes. The retention capacity, Qs, of algal material adsorbent grows from 0.67 mg Cd2+/g adsorbent for C1=4.36 mgCd/L to 3.28 mg Cd2+/g adsorbent for C3=20.49 mgCd2+/L. The analytical method employed in this study is atomic absorption.
Cuvinte cheie: biosorption, heavy metal, Scenedesmus opoliensis green algae,