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Autori: C. Majdik, C. Indolean, Sz. Tonk, A. Mãicãneanu, T. Pernyeszi, B. Tóthmérész
Editorial: Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai - Chemia, 53 (3), p.71-76, 2008.
Biosorption of heavy metal ion (Zn2+) by immobilized Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells was studied. The biosorbent that we studied was made from fresh Bakers’ yeast commercially available under beads form. We used three different initial concentrations of Zn2+ in solution, 129.60 mg Zn2+/L, 213.41 mg Zn2+/L and 304.88 mg Zn2+/L, for biosorption study in dynamic regime, at 25°C and neutral pH. Adsorption yields, η, and retention capacity, Qs, were calculated and compared. From all the experimental data it can be concluded that using yeast as a biological filter the concentration of Zn2+ from synthetic samples was considerably reduced. UV/VIS spectroscopy was used for determination of the adsorption degree of Zn2+ from synthetic wastewater samples.
Cuvinte cheie: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, heavy metals, biosorption, immobilization, molecular adsorption method