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Autori: Gabriel Istrate
Editorial: Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Asynchronous Cellular Automata and Asynchronous Discrete Models (ACA'18), Satelite Workshop of ACRI'2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11115, Springer Nature, 2018.
We investigate the dependence of steady-state properties of Schelling’s segregation model on the agents’ activation order. Our basic formalism is the Pollicott-Weiss version of Schelling’s segregation model. Our main result modifies this baseline scenario by
1. employing a log-linear response rule
2. incorporating „contagion” in the decision to move: agents are connected by a second, „word-of-mouth”, network. Agents’ activation is specified
by a random walk on this network.
Our results are an example of the adversarial scheduling approach to social simulations.
Cuvinte cheie: stochastic stability, Schelling's segregation model, adversarial scheduling, social simulations