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Autori: Corneliu Bogatu, Vasile Pode, Ilie Vlaicu, Aurel Iovi
Editorial: Petru Filip, SC Biblioteca Chimiei SA, Revista de Chimie (Bucureşti), 60 (2), p.189-192, 2009.
Paper objectives were to determine conditions for monochloramine formation in water solutions, its stability against time at pH= 6, 7, and 8, for two series of chlorine : ammonia mass ratios (R), 1:1-8:1 and 2 :2-12:2 (mg/L:mg/L), at 200 C. Maximum monochloramine concentrations were recorded for the ratios 3:1 and 4.18:1 in the first minutes after reagents mixing: 1.8-2.3 mg/L (pH = 6.0), 2.4-3.0 mg/L (pH = 7.0), 2.7-3.7 mg/L (pH = 8.0). For the second series the maximum concentration, 5.6 mg/L, was recorded at pH = 7.0 and R = 4.18:1. Due to monochloramine autodecomposition, at 24 hours after reagents mixing for R = 3:1 and 4.18:1, the following percents from initial concentrations were determined: 60.8-72.2 % (pH = 6.0), 80.0-83.3 % (pH = 7.0), 96.2- 97.2 % (pH = 8).These results are useful to natural water treatment for drinking purpose.
Keywords: monochloramine, dichloramine, mass ratios, pH, stability