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Domenii publicaţii > Matematica + Tipuri publicaţii > Articol în revistã ştiinţificã
Autori: Alexandru I. Petrisor
Editorial: Revista romana de bioetica, 8(1), p.101-109, 2010.
The use of statistical tools requires a certain professional ethic, regardless the field of application. In epidemiological studies, statistical ethics refer to choosing the proper design of the study, knowing the advantages, disadvantages and limitations of each type, based on the study hypotheses. Statistical ethics also relate to the analysis of data, through the choice of appropriate methods and tests, knowing their advantages, disadvantages and limitations, but also the underlying the assumptions of their application. Finally, statistical ethics concern the interpretation and communication of results, without hiding the limitations, in order to enhance the reliability of the study, despite of occasionally diminishing the chance of publishing the results. Moreover, privacy and confidentiality are central ethical issues in the studies involving human subjects, and must govern all stages of the study, starting with the design and ending with the publication of results.
Cuvinte cheie: studii epidemiologice, etiologie, acuratete, precizie, abandon, confundare, etica // epidemiological studies, etiology, accuracy, precision, attrition, confounding, ethics