Articolele autorului Alexandru-Ioan Căbuz
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Ministrul Educatiei va lansa in curand spre dezbatere publica un nou proiect de lege pentru Educatie

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Prestigiul Institutului de Fizica Atomica Magurele in stiinta si cultura romaneasca

Un eseu istoric de Petre Frangopol.

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Campanie Romani despre care merita sa vorbim – cercetator intors in Romania

Campanie Romani despre care merita sa vorbim Campanie Strainii, solutia pentru cercetarea din Romania? (II) Campanie Cum sa luam banii din Parlament si sa-i

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Declaratii ale Ministrului Educatiei la Consiliul National al Rectorilor: „… există o mare rezervă de cadre didactice universitare tinere foarte bune în afara ţării. „

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Guest Researcher 2010 at The Complex Systems Institute Paris Île-de-France (ISC-PIF)

The Fellowship program at ISC-PIF offers research support for scholars who have recently received a doctoral degree and want to conduct independent research. ISC-PIF Guest Researcher Fellows pursue research questions of their own, with bridges to projects and themes developed by ISC-PIF. They engage in collaborations with other researchers from ISC-PIF, the Ile-de-France Region (Paris area), Europe and beyond. Fellows pursue projects that lie at

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Effective medium theory for the finite conductivity bed of nails structure

We present and illustrate an effective medium theory of the finite conductivity periodic finite wire medium (thebed-of-nails structure). It is constructed using a renormalization approach to obtain the system of equations satisfied by the electromagnetic field and the electric current in the limit of large wavelength-to-period ratio. The model is tested numerically and its domain of validity is characterized using full vector three dimensional finite

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Engineers and Post-doc positions in digital holography

The Laboratory of Applied Optics (LOA, opens engineers and post-doc positions in the Microvision and Microdiagnostic group (MVD, in the frame of a 1 year European Union project. MVD is a group leader in digital holography. The activities are developed in cooperation with other universities and industrial partners.

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Competition is open for the Master (2 year) and Doctorate positions financed through the Erasmus Mundus EUROPHOTONICS program

The Erasmus Mundus program EUROPHOTONICS financed by the European Community will start in september 2010. EUROPHOTONICS (see website : is divided in two parts : MASTER and DOCTORATE in the field of PHOTONICS. For the Master, the consortium is composed of the universities of Barcelona (Spain), Karlsruhe (Germany) and Marseille (France). For the Doctorate there is an additional partner : university of Florence (Italy).

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Russia’s grand plan for a scientific revival Russia is taking the top-down approach to breathing new life into its research system. Among the various initiatives, there is one that Romania might learn from: plans are being drawn to lay the foundation of "a second pillar of basic science, financially and structurally independent from the Russian Academy of Sciences", in an attempt to prevent the reform from "drowning in corruption

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Tacona Photonics

International workshop on theoretical and computational nano-photonics. 28.10.2009-30.10.2009 Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Germany

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