Articolele autorului Alexandru-Ioan Căbuz
Link la profilul stiintific al lui Alexandru-Ioan Căbuz

Asociatia Ad Astra propune o serie de sugestii de amendamente pentru noul Cod al Educatiei

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Peste 300 de specialisti in IT&C din intreaga lume, asteptati in octombrie in Bucuresti la evenimentul Global Forum

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Google plans open source operating system based on Chrome

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Romania, the country with the highest talent shortage

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Inginer cercetator in instrumentatie biofotonica

Ingénieur R&D Instrumentation Biophotonique HORIBA Jobin Yvon est un des leaders mondiaux de l’instrumentation spectroscopique. Pour poursuivre son développement, il recherche un ingénieur chargé d’explorer le potentiel des techniques optiques et spectroscopiques pour la biologie et la santé, à l’intérieur de sa Direction de l’Innovation. Il contribuera à dresser un panorama des différentes filières instrumentales dans le domaine

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Contract post-doctoral sau inginer cercetator (1-2 ani)

Poste à pourvoir en Septembre - Novembre 2009 Laboratoire d’accueil : Equipe Biophotonique du laboratoire Acides nucléiques et Biophotonique « ANBioΦ» de l’université Pierre et Marie Curie, FRE CNRS 3207 Contexte Cette proposition de contrat s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet « Micro-imagerie non-linéaire in vivo - in situ de la matrice extracellulaire, InVivo-ONL », soutenu par l’ANR Technologies pour la Santé (édition 2008). Ce

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Cotidianul – Mircea Miclea explică modul în care pot fi sparte găştile universitare şi reţelele de nepotism

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Competitie pentru proiecte finantate din fonduri structurale europene

Operaţiunea 2.1.1: Proiecte de cercetare în parteneriat între universităţi/ instituţii de cercetare-dezvoltare şi întreprinderi Operaţiunea 2.1.2: Proiecte C-D de înalt nivel ştiinţific la care vor participa specialişti din străinătate

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All-Dielectric Rod-Type Metamaterials at Optical Frequencies

Light propagation in all-dielectric rod-type metamaterials is studied theoretically. The electric and magnetic dipole moments of the rods are derived analytically in the long-wavelength limit. The effective permittivity and permeability of a square lattice of rods are calculated by homogenizing the corresponding array of dipoles. The role of dipole resonances in the optical properties of the rod array is interpreted. This structure is found to exhibit

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Spatial dispersion in negative index composite metamaterials

The metamaterials exhibiting negative permittivity and permeability that have been under numerical and experimental study recently generally operate at frequencies between the homogeneous (lambda >> period) and heterogeneous (lambda approximate to period) regimes, a region characterized by the phenomenon of spatial dispersion. However, since many interesting applications such as the superlens rely on nondispersive homogeneous behavior, one needs

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