Articolele autorului Mugurel Constantin Rusu
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Considerations on the phrenic ganglia

The phrenic ganglion is described as a small ganglion located at the junction of the right phrenic nerve and branches of the celiac plexus, on the diaphragm. The descriptions of this ganglion are few and incomplete and justify the present study which has been performed macroscopically by dissection and microscopically using silver stained (the method of Bielschowsky) drawn pieces. Dissections of 10 human adult specimens showed one or more ganglia

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Bilateral alar thoracic artery

During a routine dissection a superficial artery was observed coursing subcutaneously at the anterior border of the axillary base towards the thoracic wall and bilaterally at the lower border of the pectoralis major muscle. On the right side it originated from the 3rd part of the axillary artery but on the opposite side the origin was from the first centimetre of a left radial artery originating directly from the axillary artery together with the

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The spinal trigeminal nucleus – considerations on the structure of the nucleus caudalis

The caudal part (nucleus caudalis) of the spinal trigeminal nucleus is considered to be the site of the second order neurons of the nociceptive pathways of the face. Recent studies have supported the co-participation in these circuits of the oral part of the same nucleus (nucleus oralis). The aims of the present study are: 1) to determine the morphology of the nucleus caudalis in human preparates; 2) to consider whether there is any structural basis

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