Articolele autorului Sorin Cheval
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The July Surface Temperature Lapse in the Romanian Carpathians

Abstract: Based on July land surface temperature (LST) in the Romanian Carpathians derived from MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) images, this paper investigates the vertical thermal lapse and the influence of several factors. The astronomical parameters, atmospheric circulation and geographical factors are relatively similar in the area of interest, so that the influence of elevation, aspect, and land cover becomes more relevant

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Seasonal characteristics of flood regimes across the Alpine-Carpathian range

The aim of this paper is to analyse the differences in the long-term regimes of extreme precipitation and floods across the Alpine-Carpathian range using seasonality indices and atmospheric circulation patterns to understand the main flood-producing processes. This is supported by cluster analyses to identify areas of similar flood processes, both in terms of precipitation forcing and catchment processes. The results allow to isolate regions of similar

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Water and energy interaction in urban planning

Water and Energy are key resource flows within the Urban Environment and research is becoming more and more aware of their interaction and its importance within the context of urban sustainability. In this paper is presented a conceptual model, PLEW - Planning Energy And Water In The Urban Environment, that will undertake a mapping of the different parameters involved in urban usage of energy and water and their representation within a tool for planners

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Climatologic adjustments to monthly precipitation in Romania

ABSTRACT: This article contributes to better understanding of the precipitation data, analyzing several measurement errors in Romania. Based on the influence of wind speed, solid precipitation rate, and wetting losses, we adjusted the monthly amounts registered at 159 weather stations through 1961-2006. The results emphasize distinct temporal and spatial distributions of the adjustment magnitude. In general, the correction factors increase with altitude

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Website dedicat literaturii stiintifice din Romania

Imi face placere sa anunt lansarea site-ului, dedicat literaturii de stiinta din Romania. Puteti vedea despre ce este vorba si puteti participa activ la dezvoltarea proiectului la adresa

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The urban heat island of Bucharest during the extreme high temperatures of July 2007

This paper explores the characteristics of the air (Tair) and land surface temperature (LST) from the city of Bucharest (Romania) during the extreme high temperatures that affected the region in July 2007. The behavior of Bucharest's Urban Heat Island (UHI) is quantitatively described following similar methodological approaches to previous studies. The analysis integrates thermal data supplied by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS)

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The July urban heat island of Bucharest as derived from MODIS images

The urban heat island (UHI) of the city of Bucharest (Romania) is analyzed in terms of its extension, geometry, and magnitude using the surface thermal data provided by the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensors. An objective method is developed that allows to delineate the UHI. The study focuses on the months of July from the 2000-2006 time interval. The average surface temperatures obtained for each pixel (1 km resolution)

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E-grup de discutii avand ca tematica educatia si cercetarea din Romania

Exista un nou grup de discutii avand ca tematica educatia, cu precadere ceea ce se intampla in invatamantul superior, si cercetarea din Romania. Puteti subscrie la acest grup trimitand un email blank la adresa sau (pt posesorii unui ID yahoo) accesand pagina

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Conferinta Nationala a Utilizatorilor de Tehnici GIS, Editia a 2-a

CONFERINŢA NAŢIONALĂ A UTILIZATORILOR DE TEHNICI GIS, Ediţia a II-a Institutul de Geografie al Academiei Romane si Administratia Nationala de Meteorologie organizeaza în data de 11 martie 2005, la Bucuresti, “Conferinta Nationala a Utilizatorilor de Tehnici GIS”, Editia a II-a. Conferinta isi propune prezentarea unor rezultate semnificative obtinute în Romania prin utilizarea de tehnici GIS în domenii precum cercetare fundamentala si aplicata,

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GIS Conference

CONFERINTA NATIONALA A UTILIZATORILOR DE TEHNICI GIS Institutul de Geografie al Academiei Romane organizeaza în data de 12 martie 2004, la Bucuresti, “Conferinta Nationala a Utilizatorilor de Tehnici GIS”. Conferinta îsi propune prezentarea unor rezultate semnificative obtinute în Romania prin utilizarea de tehnici GIS în domenii precum cercetare fundamentala si aplicata, economie, administratie publica, aparare etc. (a), si prezentarea unor

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