Articolele autorului Sorin Cheval
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An investigation into the precipitation conditions in Romania using a GIS-based method
Lista de discutii ‘romanianstudyabroad’

Nostalgicii listei de discutii Ad Astra moderata pot incerca sa utilizeze pentru discutii privind invatamantul superior si cercetarea din Romania lista nemoderata 'RomanianStudyAbroad'. De altfel, oricine poate participa, liber in exprimare decenta, la aceasta lista de peste 600 de membri.

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Intoarcerea acasa

Dupa 1990, un numar important de romani au avut sansa de a vizita universitati, laboratoare sau alte lacasauri de stiinta din lume. Multi au petrecut acolo un timp indelungat, lucrand efectiv alaturi de colegii din vestul Europei, din SUA sau din alte tari. Altii au absolvit cursurile unor institutii din strainatate, obtinand titluri din cele mai diverse, de obicei intre licentiat si doctor. Unii au ales "calea exilului", dar altii s-au intors in

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Pre-doctoral research fellowship, European Security and Defence Policy

A pre-doctoral research fellow is required for the project "Bridging the Accountability Gap in European Security and Defence Policy" (ESDP Democracy) for up to 24 months at the Institute of International Relations, Prague (IIR). The researcher will be one of several 'pre-' and four 'post-doc' researchers in ESDP Democracy. The researcher will share in the responsibility for IIR's link to the other partners, for the accession countries and civil-military

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Fulbright New Century Scholars Program

Now in its second year, NCS brings together annually 25-30 outstanding research scholars from the U.S. and abroad to engage in multidisciplinary collaboration on a topic of global significance under the leadership of a Distinguished New Century Scholar Leader. For the academic year 2002-2003, the research focus is "Addressing Sectarian, Ethnic and Cultural Conflict within and across National Borders." Edward Tiryakian, Professor of Sociology, Duke

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Summer School „Applied Social Studies”

Information about Summer School "Applied Social Studies" Albania 2002 The Summer School "Applied Social Studies" is an academic program for young university teachers and professionals. It offers three weeks course in the social sciences and humanities to encourage and promote regional academic cooperation and curriculum development by drawing together young faculty in lectures, seminars and workshops. Professors from European Universities lead the

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PhD Studentships

Institute of Governance, Public Policy and Social Research Queen's University Belfast Applications for PhD studentships at the newly established Institute of Governance, Public Policy and Social Research (IGPPSR) are now invited. Six studentships are available, to commence in either September 2002 or January 2003. Subject to the nature of the received proposals, it is intended that three of the studentships will be for projects with a clear EU/European

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Advanced Course on the International Protection of Human Rights

Advanced Course on the International Protection of Human Rights The course aims at providing a profound insight into, and analysis of, the system of international human rights protection in the light of contemporary problems and relevant case law. The course is composed of lectures, case studies in working-groups, seminars and individual essays. Those who complete the course

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A Minority in Europe

Call for Papers: The Roma - A Minority in Europe The Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism and Racism at Tel Aviv University is holding an international conference, entitled "The Roma ­ A Minority in Europe: Historical, Social and Cultural Perspectives", which will take place at Tel Aviv University from 1 to 3 December 2002. An advisory committee composed

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Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI)

This message is addressed to CogPrints users and concerns the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) launched on 14 February by George Soros's Open Society Institute. To be useful, research must be used. To be used (read, cited, applied, extended) it must be accessible. There are currently 20,000 peer-reviewed journals of scientific and scholarly research worldwide, publishing over 2 million articles per year, every

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