Articolele autorului Romulus-Catalin Damaceanu
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Implementation of simulation model of world economy using LSD

We describe the implementation of a simulation model of world economy using LSD application. The model is structured in three objects: WE, NE(i) and FCM(i,j). For every object, we describe the parameters, the initial variables and the code lines of equations. We do three simulation experiments and the conclusion is that a broader exchange rate band has a negative impact over the volume of the world trade.

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The exchange rate regime and the international trade

The doctoral thesis is entitled "The exchange rate regime and the international trade" and studies the inter conditional relation between the exchange rates regime and the international trade using an inter-disciplinary vision that contains knowledge from four different disciplines: economics, history, mathematics and computers sciences. In chapter 1, it is analyzed the pure theory of international trade. The fundamental objective was to signal the

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