Articolele autorului Stancuta Ramona Dima-laza
Link la profilul stiintific al lui Stancuta Ramona Dima-laza

Graham Greene and the Modern Catholic Novel Today

The present paper focuses on the Catholic novel by attempting to provide an answer to the question whether the Catholic novel still exists as a powerful genre in today's literary landscape. Our point of view is that readers in general and even non-Catholic readers still appreciate this distinguished genre as nowadays Catholic novelists have enabled the dialogue between modernity and the Church. The writer who best typifies the Catholic writer's rebellious

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The complex facets of interpreting competence

The purpose of the present paper is to convey a new perspective over the concept of translation which has often been regarded as a process of taking a source text in one language and producing an equivalent text, the target text, in another language. It explores the different types of translations and the problems interpreters may come across. The paper offers solutions and emphasizes useful methods for facing such linguistic problems. Regarded as

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Cultural behaviour – a challenge for intercultural encounters

The present paper explores some key aspects of culture that are essential in the process of understanding intercultural interaction. It draws comparisons between the way culture is perceived and manifested by different nationalities, by various ethnic, religious or organizational groups. The aim of the paper is to provide a theoretical background for those who want to explore the field of intercultural communication. The author focused on the notion

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Utopia versus dystopia. A perfect environment for a perfect

The present paper highlights a few aspects of a utopian society and the manner in which new forms of knowledge can contribute to reaching the ideal of a perfect community. Ever since the beginnings of humanity man has endeavored to inhabit a perfect world, where everyone can abide in peace. Many researchers have concurred with the idea that the best solutions for this are the latest technological developments, considering the fact that knowledge

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