Articolele autorului Liviu Giosan
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CNSAS a inceput verificarea rectorilor

Ca urmare a cererii asociatiei Ad Astra din Iunie 2006 de deconspirare a directorilor din MEdC, rectorilor, academicienilor şi directorilor INCD-urilor care au colaborat cu securitatea (vezi ) CNSAS a trimis urmatoarele informatii: "Avand in vedere dispozitiile art. 10 al. 1 din OUG nr. 24/2008 privind accesul la propriul dosar si deconspirarea Securitatii, aprobata cu modificari si

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Battling to save the world’s river deltas

The fragility of the world’s deltas is not solely a consequence of rising ocean waters. The influence of human water use is the predominent force behind receeding coastlines.

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A new look at old carbon in active margin sediments

Recent studies suggest that as much as half of the organic carbon (OC)undergoing burial in the sediments of tectonically active continental margins may be the product of fossil shale weathering. These estimates rely on the assumption that vascular plant detritus spends little time sequestered in intermediate reservoirs such as soils, freshwater sediments, and river deltas , and thus only minimally contributes to the extraneously old 14C ages of total

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Was the Black Sea catastrophically flooded in the early Holocene?

A catastrophic flooding of the Black Sea basin was proposed to have occurred during its reconnection to the ocean in the early Holocene. Possible cultural consequences of the flood include the migration of Neolithic farmers from around the Black Sea towards central Europe as well as the creation of flood myths. Stratigraphic and paleo-geomorphologic information from Danube delta aided by radiocarbon ages on articulated mollusks constrain the level

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Necrolog George E. Palade in Nature

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Research Focus: Tempestuous highs and lows in the Gulf of Mexico
Survive or subside?
The Holocene evolution of the Galveston estuary complex, Texas: Evidence for rapid change in estuarine environments
The last reconnection of the Marmara Sea (Turkey) to the World Ocean: A paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic perspective
BOOK REVIEW: V. Yanko-Hombach, A.S. Gilbert, N. Panin and P.M. Dolukhanov, Editors, The Black Sea Flood Question: Changes in Coastline, Climate and Human Settlement, Springer, Berlin (2007) ISBN 978-1-4020-4774-9 971pp., 246 illus.