Articolele autorului Liviu Giosan
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INTERNETUL în cercetarea ştiinţifică şi în instruirea cercetătorilor

Miercuri 13 Martie 2002, la Institutul Naţional de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Tehnologii Izotopice şi Moleculare, din Cluj-Napoca, în sala de seminarii, între orele 10:00 şi 14:30, s-a desfăşurat un Simpozion, o adevărată dezbatere pe tema: "INTERNETUL în cercetarea ştiinţifică şi în instruirea cercetătorilor". Avându-i ca invitaţi pe cercetător dr. Nicolae Nistor de la Universitatea Ludwig Maximilian din München, lector Carmen

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Marie Curie fellowships to encourage two way researcher mobility in FP6

Marie Curie fellowships are one means by which the Commission will ensure mobility between the current EU candidate countries and Member States in the Sixth Framework programme (FP6) , Georges Bingen, Head of unit for the Commission's Marie Curie fellowships unit, said on 7 March. Speaking at the 'European enlargement: new opportunities for research funding' event, organised by the European Commission, the German Federal Ministry of education and

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Internetul în cercetarea ştiinţifică şi în instruirea cercetătorilor

Internetul în cercetarea ştiinţifică şi în instruirea cercetătorilor Simpozion - Dezbatere 13 Martie 2002, INCDTIM Cluj-Napoca Cu participarea următorilor invitaţi: Dr. Nicolae Nistor (Univ. Ludwig Maximilian, Munich), Lect. Drd. Carmen Holotescu (Univ. Tehnică, Timisoara), Prof. Dr. Mircea Rusu (Univ. Bucureşti), Prof. Dr. Zoltan Kasa (Pro-Rector, Univ. Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj), Prof. Dr. Kalman Pusztai (RoEdunet,Decanul Facultatii de Calculatoare,

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European enlargement in the Research Area

Today, March 7th, 2002, at the conference on "European enlargement: new opportunities for research funding" in Bonn, Germany, Dr. Achilleas Mitsos, Director General for Research within the European Commission announced that the European Commission decided to fully integrate all candidate countries for European enlargement into the Research Area allowing them to fully participate in the 6th Framework Programme beginning with January 1, 2003. The conference

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Conferinţa Naţională a Cercetării cu tema: „Experienţa şi perspectivele participării la Programele Cadru europene şi la alte iniţiative de cooperare în ştiinţă şi cercetare”.

Detalii la:, Program: CONFERINTA NATIONALA A CERCETARII "Experienta si perspectivele participarii in programele cadru europene si in alte initiative europene de cooperare in cercetare" Proiect Program Orele 8,30 Inscrierea participantilor Orele 9,30 Deschiderea primei sesiuni plenare (conduce ministrul delegat pentru activitatea de cercetare) 9,30 Dl. Serban Constantin Valeca, Ministru delegat pentru activitatea de

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OSI/OSF – Romania – Global Supplementary Grant Program 2002 – 2003

Students from Eastern and Central Europe and the former Soviet Union are invited to apply for the Global Supplementary Grant Program 2002 - 2003. The purpose of the program is to enable qualified students to pursue Doctoral studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences at accredited universities in Western Europe, Asia, Australia and North America. Eligibility Criteria: 1.Only students who have been accepted into a full-time doctoral (Ph.D.) program

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Soros to support free scientific publications

Nature magazine (Feb. 14, 2002) reports that George Soros through his Open Society Institute (OSI) is backing efforts to provide free and unrestricted access to scientific and other academic literature. The "Budapest Open Archive Initiative" seeks to create open-access electronic repositories and to support alternative journals.

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2002 MEDCOAST Events

MEDCOAST announces two events in 2002: MED & BLACK SEA BEACHES 2002: Beaches of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea: Dynamics, Regeneration, Ecology & Management 24 _ 27 October 2002, Sarigerme/Dalaman, Turkey The workshop that will convene in a very attractive beach hotel located at the southern Turkish Aegean coast, aims to bring together engineers, scientists, planners, managers, decision makers and developers to discuss the integrated management

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2002 Descartes Prize

Details at

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Eurobarometer on science

On December 6 of last year, the European Commission published its latest Eurobarometer survey on "Europeans, science and technology". This came just two days after the adoption of an action plan "Science and Society" which addresses some of the issues identified by the survey. Details about findings and envisioned solutions can be found at

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