Articolele autorului Lucian Dragut
Link la profilul stiintific al lui Lucian Dragut

IAG/AIG International Workshop on Objective Geomorphological Representation Models: Breaking through a New Geomorphological Mapping Frontier Salerno, Italy, October 15-19, 2012

The IAG/AIG WG on Apllied Geomorphological Mapping, the Italian Association of Physical Geography and Geomorphology (AIGEO), the University of Salerno, with the support of National Park Cilento and Vallo di Diano, and Geoparks are organizing an International Workshop on "Objective Geomorphological Representation Models: Breaking through a New Geomorphological Mapping Frontier" on 15-19 October 2012, in the Salerno University Campus, Italy.

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2011 Journal Citation Reports available

2011 Journal Citation Reports available (pentru fericitii care mai au acces la baza de date JCR)

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GEOBIA 2012- Proceedings online

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The interest in and need for digital landform mapping is permanently growing, but still lacks fully developed transferable object-based classification approaches. In this study a shared object-based mapping workflow is applied to two different input data sets: aerial photographs and DEMs. We aim to end up with promoting insights leading to a data-independent, so to say transferable, multi-resolution segmentation followed by an object-based classification

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Dr. Ian S. Evans-Public talk at the Department of Geography, West University of Timisoara

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IAG/AIG International Workshop on Objective Geomorphological Representation Models: Breaking through a New Geomorphological Mapping Frontier

Department of Civil Engineering - University of Salerno (Italy) – European Cilento & Vallo di Diano Geopark (Italy) October 15-19, 2012 Deadline for abstract submission is June 30, 2012. Acceptance will be notified by July 31, 2012.

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SIR World Report 2011

The most comprehensive Research Ranking of worldwide universities and research-focused institutions. This 3rd edition includes 3,042 institutions from all over the world grouped into five Institutional Sectors and classified by World Regions. The ranking adds two new performance indicators (to the previous four ones) to evaluate institutions' research outcomes: Specialization Index and Excellence Rate.

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2nd Forum Carpaticum

From data to knowledge, from knowledge to action Stará Lesná, Slovakia, 30 May - 2 June 2012 The 1st FC2010 identified the need for better information on data generation, availability, and accessibility in the Carpathians, especially related to pan-Carpathian datasets. FC2012 will address this need by covering the whole Data-Knowledge-Action cycle, i.e. focusing on how data are generated and transformed into useful knowledge, how the knowledge

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Automated object-based classification of topography from SRTM data

We introduce an object-based method to automatically classify topography from SRTM data. The new method relies on the concept of decomposing land-surface complexity into more homogeneous domains. An elevation layer is automatically segmented and classified at three scale levels that represent domains of complexity by using self-adaptive, data-driven techniques. For each domain, scales in the data are detected with the help of local variance and segmentation

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Session ‘Geomorphometric approaches in archaeology’ at CAA 2012

Session Code: Geo5 Geomorphometry is a branch of the geo-sciences that is relatively young. It uses quantitative methods and techniques to characterize the earth's surface from digital elevation models. It is especially concerned with the quantification of land-surface parameters and the extraction of landscape features from DEMs. Geomorphometric methods are attractive to many disciplines, including soil science, hydrology, and ecology (see

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