Articolele autorului Mihai Dima
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Solar-induced and internal climate variability at decadal timescales

Statistical analyses of long-term instrumental and proxy data emphasize a distinction between two quasi-decadal modes of climate variability. One mode is linked to atmosphere-ocean interactions ('the internal mode') and the other is associated with the solar sunspots cycle ('the solar mode'). The distinct signatures of these two modes are also detected in a high-resolution sediment core located in the Cariaco basin. In the oceanic surface temperature

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Fundamental and derived modes of climate variability: concept and application to interannual timescales

The notion of mode interaction is proposed as a deterministic concept for understanding climate modes at various time-scales. This concept is based on the distinction between fundamental modes relying on their own physical mechanisms and derived modes that emerge from the interaction of two other modes. The notion is introduced and applied to interannual climate variability. Observational evidence is presented for the tropospheric biennial variability

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Climate signature of solar irradiance variations: analysis of long-term instrumental, historical and proxy data

The signature of solar irradiance variations on decadal-to-centennial climate variability is analysed by means of statistical analysis of long-term instrumental, historical and proxy data sets. Solar variations associated with the Schwabe, Hale and Gleissberg cycles are detected by their spatial patterns in sea-surface temperature and sea-level pressure. Different statistical methods for instrumental and proxy data show that the mode related to solar

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Seasonal prediction of Danube flow variability based on stable teleconnection with sea surface temperature

It is shown that spring Danube flow anomalies are significantly related to winter SST anomalies from several key regions. These areas are identified through stable teleconnections between flow and SST. A forecast scheme is developed and applied to predict flow anomalies using SST anomalies from key regions. Small potential predictability of winter flow anomalies was also detected. The predictability of the flow anomalies from summer and autumn using

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A hemispheric mechanism for the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation

The physical processes associated to the ~70 year period climate mode, known as the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), are examined. Based on analyses of observational data, a deterministic mechanism relying on atmosphere-ocean-sea-ice interactions, is proposed for the AMO. Variations in the thermohaline circulation are reflected as uniform sea surface temperature anomalies in the North Atlantic. These anomalies are associated with a hemispheric

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Distinct modes of bidecadal and multidecadal variability in a climate reconstruction of the last centuries from a South Pacific coral

The Rarotonga coral Sr/Ca time series provides a near-monthly resolved proxy record of South Pacific climate variability over the last ~300 years. Here we show that two distinct interdecadal, quasi-periodic time components with periods of ~80 and ~25 years can be identified in this time series by Singular Spectrum Analysis. Their associated spatial patterns in the global sea surface temperature (SST) held show notable differences. Whereas the multidecadal

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Rapid 20th Century increase in coastal upwelling off northwest Africa

Near-shore waters along the northwest African margin are characterized by coastal upwelling, and represent one of the world's major upwelling regions. Sea surface temperature (SST) records from Moroccan sediment cores, extending back 2500 years, reveal anomalous and unprecedented 20th century cooling, consistent with increased upwelling. SSTs also show a relatively warm Little Ice Age and cool Medieval Warm Period. Furthermore, upwelling-driven SSTs

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