Articolele autorului MIhaela-Carmen Melinte-Dobrinescu
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Lithology and biostratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous marine deposits the Hateg region (Romania): Palaeoenvironmental implications.
Late Cretaceous carbon- and oxygen-isotope stratigraphy, nannofossil events and paleoclimate fluctuations in the Hateg area (SW Romania).
Cretaceous oxic-anoxic changes in the Romanian Carpathians.

This study focused on the Cretaceous black shale successions, followed by red shales that crop out at the outer regions of the Romanian Carpathians, in the Moldavids. The oldest parts of the black shale units deposited in an abyssal plain during Late Valanginian–Late Barremian time; they are mainly characterized by hemipelagic and pelagic muddy siliciclastic rocks and carbonates, commonly intercalated with fine-grained turbidites. During the sedimentation

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