Articolele autorului Mihaela Albu
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Workshop IEEE „Masurari in medicina”

IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society: International Workshop on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA 2010) April 30 – May 1, 2010, Ottawa, ON, CANADA

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Uncertainty in Power System State Variables Obtained Through Synchronized Measurements

This paper computes the uncertainties associated with the power system state variables obtained with the help of phasor measurement units (PMUs). An integer-quadratic-programming-based method is used to determine the minimum number and the optimal locations of the PMUs to ensure complete topological observability of the system. Three approaches are used to estimate the uncertainties in the state variables: the use of the classical uncertainty propagation

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burse Fulbright doctorale (3 ani) in universitati de top in SUA

un program nou, extrem de prestigios, de finantare a studiilor doctorale (3 ani!) in S.U.A., in domeniul stiintelor aplicate. Aplicatie on-line:

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Stagii de lucru si finantare organizare de conferinte la Centrul Bellagio (Italia)

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The European Science Foundation and US National Science Foundation partner to host the Women’s International Research Engineering Summit (WIRES) to be held in Barcelona, Spain, June 2-4, 2009.

We are looking for women researchers who are interested in pursuing international collaborative researching opportunities in these research areas to attend the upcoming first annual WIRES international summit. The main objective of this summit is to enable meaningful and sustainable research exchanges between female engineers from around the world while identifying issues faced by females pursuing careers in engineering that could benefit from a

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AMUEM 2009 – Seminar international IEEE dedicat estimarii incertitudinii de masurare

AMUEM 2009 va fi organizat la Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti in 6-7 iulie 2009

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On the Model of a Compact Fluorescent Lamp as Load of a Mixed LV Network
A survey of course assessment at “Politehnica” University of Bucharest
On the Deployment of Phasor Measurement Units for Evaluating States of an Electric Power System
A Power Quality Index Based on equipment Sensitivity, Cost and Network Vulnerability