Articolele autorului Mihaela Frunza
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Feminism ca/si ideologie

This paper analyzes the relationship between feminism and its various ideological cores. Three tendencies are discussed: acceptance of the ideological core, criticism and rejection of this core, and, more intricately, acceptance of one core and rejection of another. The emphasis is placed on Anglo-American second-wave liberal feminism, whose ideological nature is almost unanimously accepted, in all the meanings of the term - positive, negative, and

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Între religiozitate şi marketing: analiza unui fenomen literar

The article proposes an analysis of the recent best-seller "Da Vinci Code", by Dan Brown. Several keys of interpreting the novel are sketched from deconstructing the accuses of plagiarism and blasphemy to analyzing the role of feminism and new-age religiousness in the plot making. In the end, the author comparatively examines the novel and the Mel Gibson movie "The Passion of Christ", in an attempt to better situate the figure of Christ in recent

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Call for Papers: JSRI nr. 13

On behalf of the Editorial Team of the Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, we have the honour to invite you to send contributions for the 13th issue of the journal, on the topic: Current Trends in Ethics and Ideologies Contributions are expected in the form of original, not published studies, articles or book reviews. Each piece should be accompanied by a 10-line abstract (except for book reviews), up to 10 key words that best describe

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Aparitie editoriala: JSRI no. 12

Dragi prieteni, Avem placerea de a va anunta publicarea numarului 12 al revistei Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies. Numarul este disponibil on-line la adresa:

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Call for Papers: JSRI no. 11

Call for Papers JSRI no. 11: Religious and Ideological Pluralism in America On behalf of the Editorial Team of the Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, we have the honour to invite you to send contributions for the 11th issue of the journal, on the topic: Religious and Ideological Pluralism in America Contributions are expected in the form of original, not published studies, articles or book reviews. Each piece should be accompanied

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Religious Pluralism and Fundamentalism. Interdisciplinary Approaches of Religious Studies

Call for Applications HESP – ReSET Project RELIGIOUS PLURALISM AND FUNDAMENTALISM. INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACHES TO RELIGIOUS STUDIES Argument: In the Eastern and Central European countries, the fall of communist regimes was followed by a revival of religion – as individual experience, as community practice and as a presence in the public sphere (that includes the influencing and manipulation of the decision factors). These phenomena are also

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Call for Papers: JSRI Issue no. 9/ December 2004: Fundamentalism or Pluralism

J.S.R.I. is an international publication of the Seminar for the Interdisciplinary Research of Religions and Ideologies, the Department of Systematic Philosophy from Babes-Bolyai University (Cluj, Romania) and SACRI ( It is a peer-review academic publication intended for academics, professors and young researchers interested in the study of religions and ideologies. At present, JSRI has been included in the international directory Directory

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Provocarile multiculturalismului in Europa Centrala si de Est

Argument: One of the challenges the countries from the Central and Eastern Europe have to face constantly after the fall of communism in the 1990s is the internal and external diversity of the populations. The regrettable example of the ex-Yugoslavian space has shown that any attempt at questioning one's (ethnic, religious) belonging in the name of a presumed "national" homogeneity is a steady source of violence and open conflict. In the same time,

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Call for Papers – J.S.R.I. no 8, Multiculturalism si societatea civila

Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies (JSRI) Issue no. 8/ August 2004: Multiculturalism and the Civil Society ISSN: 1583-0039 J.S.R.I. is an international publication of the Seminar for the Interdisciplinary Research of Religions and Ideologies, the Department of Systematic Philosophy from Babes-Bolyai University (Cluj, Romania) and SACRI ( It is a peer-review academic publication intended for

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Call for Papers – JSRI no. 7, Religie, Stat si globalizare

Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies este publicată de Seminarul de Cercetare Interdisciplinară a Religiilor şi Ideologiilor şi de SACRI ( Revista JSRI apare de trei ori pe an, în limbile română şi engleză şi cuprinde texte din domeniile ştiinţelor umaniste şi sociale. Toate materialele apărute în revistă sînt revăzute de specialiştii din Consiliul Consultativ. JSRI este prima revistă din România inclusă

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