Articolele autorului Oana Alexandra Morcan
Link la profilul stiintific al lui Oana Alexandra Morcan

Perspectiva asistenţei sociale în „cuplul” penal victimã-agresor. Studiu de caz 2005-2007 SPVRSI Arad
Integrarea în şcoala de masã a copiilor cu deficienţe mintale
Organizaţiile celui de-al treilea sector şi criza statului bunãstãrii
Profilul structurii psihologice a viitorilor asistenţi sociali din perspectiva analizei tranzacţionale
Psychosocial involvement for Alzheimer’s Dementia. Case study Romania-Germania

Abstracts: The paper aims to present in a brief form a realistic image of Alzheimer’s dementia, in Romania and Germany, from the perspective of psychosocial involvement. Starting from the premise that dementia is an illness with two victims; the patient and the family/belonger, the research focuses on completing an anamnesis on ways of assisting persons with dementia, the legislation and the involvement policies in the two countries. It requires

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Predictive factors in case of antisocial behaviors observed at high school students. Comparative study between institutionalized environments (home school type) and non-institutionalized (minor host family), Proceedings (P510) of the SPECTO 2012

The present work paper is proposing itself to studying factors that contribute to the development of antisocial behavior through a comparative study between institutional environments *(home school type) and the non-institutional type*(minor host family); together with reports made to the conditions, level of education and relationships established, typological some ways, evolutionary nature, determining the appearances of acts and phenomenon of

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