Articolele autorului Marius-Ioan Piso
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Composite magnetofluidic media in microgravity

It is shown that microgravity conditions offer the natural environment for the research and applications of magnetic fluid composites. Examples of applications of such media in microgravity conditions are given for inertial and gravitational gradient sensors

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Induced internal rotation in magnetic fluid composites

Acting with a electromagnetic rotating field on a magnetofluidic composite, rotations of the fluid mass occurred. For appropriate frequencies of the electromagnetic field, the inner rotation of the nonmagnetic component has been observed

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Magnetic Fluid Composites and Tools for Microgravity Experiments

Microgravity conditions offer the natural environment for the research and applications of magnetic fluids, in particular for magnetic fluid composites. The nonmagnetic solid component of the composite needs no more magnetic stabilization, and the material becomes macroscopically homogeneous. Small external physical fields may produce relevant effects of ordering and act upon the internal organization and the properties of the fluid. Results are

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Applications of Magnetic Fluids for Inertial Sensors

One of the significant application of magnetic fluids technology is given by inertial and gravity sensors. Some of the present and coming achievements in the research, development and applications of various inertial sensors [5-10] are summary introduced. The paper presents some results, developed mainly by GRL Bucharest, in particular for applications in acceleration and gravity gradient sensors

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