Articolele autorului Orsolya Horber
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Observation, research and natural sciences as part of the medical education. The historical context.

The relationship between natural sciences and medicine has been a great deal closer throughout the history of medicine in Transylvania than it is nowadays. The physicians of the second half of the eighteenth century were accustomed to analyse the composition of mineral waters, to hike along the Carpathian Mountains, to collect botanical and mineral rarities and send them to the nearest gymnasium in order to be studied. The interdisciplinarity, the

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L’image du médecin et formation de l’image : le dilemme entre la philosophie et les sciences naturelles. L’influence de l’école de Padoue sur la médecine de Transylvanie dans la Renaissance.
Confraternity in Medical Education and Practice- Analysis and Historical Context.

The historical context of nineteenth and twentieth centuries was not favorable for the formation of a honest doctor-doctor relationship based on trust and fraternal support. In an era characterized by the struggle for patients and fees, the involvement of the State tried to rebuild the positions, but will lead to an quasi- feudal hierarchy of profession. Meanwhile were founded the first professional organizations, the medical colleges. History and

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Physician – Patient relationship in Inter-War Europe. Historical Context

Abstract 1920-1930 are the years of swing, the years of evenings spent to Adlon Hotel in Berlin, the years of Max Reinhardt's movies, the years of Coco Channel's fashion. But, in the same time, are the years of the economy crisis, of the unemployment. Inter-war Europe has been tensioned. The fall of democracy, the raise of dictatorship and the modern propaganda influenced social relationship. The state was involved more and more in the private life

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Les médecins et les sciences naturelles.Une sorte de l’interdisciplinarité des XVIII-XIX siècles en Transylvanie

The relationship between medicine and natural sciences was closer in earlier times of the history of medicine in Transylvania than today: at the end of the 18th century, physicians and surgeons of the Comitats (the regional administrative divisions) collected minerals and plants for the museums of natural sciences and for the high school biology labs. In 1763, physicians were obliged to study and describe the mineral waters of each Comitat.100 years

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L’implication de l’État communiste roumain dans la relation médecin-patient dans la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle. L’éthique médicale entre conviction et contrainte
La confraternité entre médecins aux XIXe-XXe siècles: l’histoire de la médecine de famille en Transylvanie
Bioethical aspects of migration in Europe. Importance of education in the humanities in ethical decisions, Poster Presentation 673
Social responsibility and solidarity in the medicine of postcommunist Romania.Role of family doctor in protection of vulnerable population

After the second World War, Romania became part of the communist block. As a part of ideology the Communist Party initiated an universal free medical care, accessible to all. Establishment a lot of dispensary means available alternative for a poor population that has never received adequate medical care. But later, in dictatorship, deficiency of adequate medical conditions, increased isolation of doctors, transformes their peronality: he became tired,

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Malaria fever in Transylvania in the second half of the 19th century. The sanitary service in the construction of railways in the region of Cluj

The construction of railways in the second half of the 19th century represented an important stage in the modernization of Transylvania. The line Cluj-Razboieni spanning 69km was made between 18 71 and 18 73. The city of Cluj/Kolozsvar was becoming at that time an important cultural and academic centre of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Antal Genersich, the founder of the Institute of Pathological Anatomy in Cluj/Kolozsvar, had been the doctor working

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