Articolele autorului Orsolya Horber
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Sensibilitate sociala in istoria medicinei secolelor XIX-XX: ideologie politica sau umanism european? Etica medicala intre constrangere si convingere

The physician’s social status has been always related to the political ideology applied at different times and in different places. The XVIII century represented „the golden age” for doctors while, the next century was a time when they were seen as „servants of the new regime”. Moreover, the political ideology along with poverty transformed the physician’s humanitarian mission. An ethical attitude became more a personal choice and less

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The importance of humanistic education in medical training. Profesional decisions between succes and failure

Natural sciences are combined with humanistic in medical training. More theory or more practice? Natural sciences or humanistic sciences? Should students in medicine acquire humanistic or natural sciences, in order to be able in the future to make the right ethical decisions? The knowledge of the humanities or of the natural sciences must be attaining in perspective of following correct ethical decision? Humanistic sciences are those subjects of

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