Articolele autorului Vasile Tudor
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Hélice a propulsion réactive

L'hélice a propulsion réactive est une solution technique novatrice qui peut etre utilisée pour une gamme diversifiée de moyens aéronautiques de transport, d' avions jusqu'aux hélicoptères connus a présent, jusqu'aux nouvelles variantes constructives des appareils de vol, de type lenticulaire ou meme individuelle. On connaît que les statoréacteurs ont le plus simple schéma constructif des moteurs réactifs et ils n'ont pas de pièces en

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The multifunctional medical installation

The medical installation can be used in personal households and hotels, for the hygiene and revitalization of the body through bathing and vibratory massage, and also in medical units, for physiotherapy through mud bathing or salts solutions, and through the exposure of the ailing parts of the body to an intense electromagnetic wave. Nowadays, there are various types of electromagnetic massage systems, which, although having a relatively simple construction

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The multifunctional asynchronous electrical machine

The technical solution for electric operations refers to a multifunctional asynchronous electrical machine, capable of executing diverse movements, from rotation and translation, to compound movement of the helical type, which is especially used as an electric motor in the field of electric operations, but as an electromagnetic brake and even an electric generator. At the moment the asynchronous electric engine with a spinning magnetic field which,

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The cancer has to be defeated

The cancer has made a lot of victims, and unfortunatelly he still continues to do this, without being stopped by the medicine. Beside cardiovascular diseases and HIV infection, the issue of cancer belongs first of all to the field of public health and scientifical medical research on which solving take part General Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Immunology, Endocrinology, Virology, human clinic, and so on. The cancer is an

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Alma lux

Dans son évolution historique, l'humanité a accumulé un vaste trésor de connaissances, transmis et enrichi d'une génération a l'autre. Des personnalités illustres tels Michel Ange, Aristote, Newton et Einstein ont contribué a l'imposant édifice de la culture, terme qui désigne l'ensemble de créations matérielles et spirituelles de l'humanité ainsi que les institutions afférentes. L'etre humain vit sous le signe des valeurs culturelles

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La théorie vortex de l’existence

Sommaire I. Arguments pour la théorie vortex II. Bases de la théorie vortex III. Expériences IV. Bibliographie I. Arguments pour la théorie vortex En 17ème siècle, René Descartes a conçu une théorie des tourbillons pour la cosmologie et la composition de l'univers matériel, ou présente le mécanisme du système solaire. Depuis presque une décennie, je me suis efforcé a développer une théorie scientifique qui explique unitairement les

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The vortex theory of matter

Elements of dialectic thinking have been present since the Antiquity, especially for some Greek philosophers (Heraclit of Efes, Platon, Aristotel), who have noticed the universal connection of phenomena, the continuous movement and transformation of matter, of course, within the limits of the poor level of reality cognition at that time. The dialectic tradition in reality cognition was promoted by numerous other minds, among which Hegel particularly

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