Articolele autorului Răzvan Valentin Florian
Link la profilul stiintific al lui Răzvan Valentin Florian

Graduate student contest: Best PhD thesis project of the year in computational game theory

The Romanian Institute of Science and Technology will award a 1000 euros prize for the best PhD thesis project of the year in computational game theory. Applicants should submit a summary of their thesis by October 15, 2011, and the full-length thesis by November 15, 2011. The awards are sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation.

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Babeş-Bolyai University – Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy – International Competition for Head of Research Unit Position

COGNITIVE OR CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST WITH AN EMPHASIS IN NEUROSCIENCE, MEDICAL DOCTOR: The Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy at the Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania invites applications for a full-time independent researcher position to assume (1) the leadership of its newly established Clinical Cognitive Neuroscience Center on the Platform for Advanced Imaging - fMRI/EEG - in Clinical Cognitive Sciences and (2) the construction

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Începe evaluarea instituţională a unităţilor de cercetare-dezvoltare

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Prefectul şi primarul din Tg. Mureş propun unirea celor trei universităţi de stat din oraş

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Universitatea de Nord din Baia Mare va fuziona cu Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca

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Au fost publicate rezultatele competiţiilor de finanţare Idei şi Resurse Umane

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Funeriu: Acesta este momentul adevărului în sistemul universitar

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A fost modificată Legea privind buna conduită în cercetarea ştiinţifică, dezvoltarea tehnologică şi inovare, care pedepseşte inclusiv plagiatul

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A fost publicată repartizarea locurilor bugetate la master şi doctorat

Ordinul privind alocarea locurilor la doctorat include criteriile de alocare pe conducători de doctorat a acestor locuri:

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A fost lansată competiţia de finanţare Parteneriate

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