Articolele autorului Răzvan Valentin Florian
Link la profilul stiintific al lui Răzvan Valentin Florian

CNCSIS are nevoie de evaluatori din strainatate

Stimati colegi, Consiliul National al Cercetarii Stiintifice din Invatamantul Superior (CNCSIS), lanseaza procesul de evaluare a propunerilor de grant pentru competitia din anul 2006. Este in beneficiul comunitatii stiintifice romanesti ca in urma procesului de evaluare peer-review proiectele de cercetare cele mai bune sa fie finantate. CNCSIS doreste o implicare puternica a membrilor comunitatii stiintifice romanesti din strainatate. Multumim celor

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Asociaţia Ad Astra a formulat o serie de comentarii şi recomandări asupra recentelor ordine ale MEC privind criteriile de promovare

Membrii asociaţiei noastre consideră că recentele ordine ale ministrului educaţiei şi cercetării privind criteriile de promovare în învăţământul superior şi cercetare reprezintă un progres indiscutabil faţă de situaţia anterioară, întrucât: - se bazează exclusiv pe rezultatele candidaţilor, în special în cercetarea ştiinţifică, fără să mai impună criterii irelevante cum ar fi vechimea; - recunosc explicit existenta

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CREST (an organism of the European Commission) has published a report on Romanian R&D

As part of the policy mix peer review process instigated by CREST during the second cycle of the Open Method of Coordination, a review team comprised of representatives of EU Member States, the European Commission and an independent consultant visited Romania on June 16th-17th 2005. During this period, Rolanda Predescu, the Romanian representative on the Policy Mix Expert Group, arranged interviews with a variety of stakeholders in the Romanian R&D

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Xenia Protopopescu has pinpointed for the first time an area of the brain involved in a woman’s menstrual cycle

For the first time, scientists have pinpointed an area of the brain involved in a woman's menstrual cycle. The research, reported online this week by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, shows contrasts in activity over the course of a month and provides a baseline for understanding the emotional and behavioral changes that 75 percent of all women report experiencing before, during and after their period. For any woman who has found

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The Romanian National Institute for Earth Physics is proposed Nominee for the European IST Grand Prize

The Romanian National Institute for Earth Physics is proposed Nominee for the European IST Grand Prize Independent experts from Euro-CASE have proposed 20 "Nominees for the European IST Grand Prize" to the European Commission. The European Information Society Technologies Prize is the most distinguished award for groundbreaking products that represent the best of European innovation in Information Society Technologies. It is organised by Euro-CASE*

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Albert Barabasi featured in Nature

Walking through New York City during his years as a postdoc, Albert-László Barabási was intrigued not by the glitz and glamour, but by the notion of the invisible networks of cables and pipes necessary for modern life. Given that he trained as an engineer in Bucharest, Romania, such thoughts were not unusual for the Hungarian native.

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Daniela Rus’ work on modular robotics mentioned in Wired

Daniela Rus, an associate professor at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, or CSAIL, demonstrated the modular, self-configuring molecule robot that can change shapes to get into tight spaces. "You could use a bunch of them to plug a hole in a levee," she said, referencing the Hurricane Katrina disaster. "Or if it has to go through a tunnel, you could squeeze through like a snake.",1282,68910,00.html

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Site-ul Ad Astra a fost nominalizat pentru premiul national de e-content

Site-ul a fost nominalizat la sectiunea e-science a premiilor nationale de e-content, o faza nationala a World Summit Awards. Nu a fost acordat nici un premiu la sectiunea e-science din cauza numarului mic de proiecte participante. Mai multe informatii:

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Cercetarea stiintifica romaneasca – de la somnolenta la performanta – ecouri ale unei mese rotunde

Cercetarea stiintifica romaneasca - de la somnolenta la performanta Romania Libera, Vineri 17 Iunie 2005 Consiliul National al Cercetarii Stiintifice din Invatamantul Superior (CNCSIS) al Ministerului Educatiei si Cercetarii (MEdC), a organizat in ziua de 25 martie 2005, o masa rotunda privind perspectivele cercetarii stiintifice din Universitatile si Institutele de profil

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Interviuri cu membri ai asociatiei Ad Astra

In revista Dilema au aparut interviuri cu doi dintre membrii asociatiei Ad Astra (Daniel Funeriu si Stefan Szedlacsek), intr-o serie de materiale despre exodul inteligentei:

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