Articolele autorului Cristian Ruse
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Proteomics by mass spectrometry: approaches, advances, and applications

Mass spectrometry (MS) is the most comprehensive and versatile tool in large-scale proteomics. In this review, we dissect the overall framework of the MS experiment into its key components. We discuss the fundamentals of proteomic analyses as well as recent developments in the areas of separation methods, instrumentation, and overall experimental design. We highlight both the inherent strengths and limitations of protein MS and offer a rough guide

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Progressive aggregation despite chaperone associations of a mutant SOD1-YFP in transgenic mice that develop ALS.
Colander: a probability-based support vector machine algorithm for automatic screening for CID spectra of phosphopeptides prior to database search
Motif-specific sampling of phosphoproteomes
Improving protein identification sensitivity by combining MS and MS/MS information for shotgun proteomics using LTQ-Orbitrap high mass accuracy data.
Anion and cation mixed-bed ion exchange for enhanced multidimensional separations of peptides and phosphopeptides.
Automatic validation of phosphopeptide identifications from tandem mass spectra
Protein kinase A dependent phosphorylation activates Mg2+ efflux in the basolateral region of the liver
Mass spectrometry in systems in biology
Mps1 phosphorylation of Dam1 couples kinetochores to microtubule plus ends at metaphase