Articolele autorului Florentin Smarandache
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Connection between ‘unparticle’ and ‘unmatter’

Unparticles have very odd properties which result from the fact that they represent fractional field quanta. Unparticles are manifested as mixed states that contain arbitrary mixtures of particles and antiparticles (therefore they simultaneously evolve "forward" and "backward" in time). From this, the connection with unmatter, which is a combination of matter and antimatter that binds together. Using the fractal operators of differentiation and integration

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Information Fusion Based on New Proportional Conflict Redistribution Rules

In this paper we propose five versions of a Proportional Conflict Redistribution rule (PCR) for information fusion together with several examples. From PCR1 to PCR2, PCR3, PCR4, PCR5 one increases the complexity of the rules and also the exactitude of the redistribution of conflicting masses. PCR1 restricted from the hyper-power set to the power set and without degenerate cases gives the same result as the Weighted Average Operator (WAO) proposed

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Unification of Fusion Theories (UFT)

Since no fusion theory neither rule fully satisfy all needed applications, the author proposes a Unification of Fusion Theories and a combination of fusion rules in solving problems/applications. For each particular application, one selects the most appropriate model, rule(s), and algorithm of implementation. We are working in the unification of the fusion theories and rules, which looks like a cooking recipe, better we'd say like a logical chart

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On the Generation of the Hyper-Powersets for the DSmT

The recent theory of plausible and paradoxical reasoning (DSmT) developed by the authors appears to be a nice tool to solve many information fusion problems where the DST cannot be used due to intrinsic paradoxical nature of the elements of the frame of discernment and where a strong conflict between the sources arises. DSmT is implemented on a hyper-power set, which is a free distributive lattice closed under unions and intersections.

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Neutrosophy, A New Branch of Philosophy

As a generalization of dialectics, neutrosophy deals with contradictory (paradoxical) schools of philosophy, sociology, science.

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Aplicatii ale Judecatii Plauzibile, Paradoxale, si Neutrosofice in Fuziunea Informatiei (Conferinta Internationala)

The processing of uncertain information has always been a hot topic of research since the 18th century and deep theoretical advances have been obtained for the theory of probability theory and statistics. During the second half of the 20th century, several new and interesting mathematical theories have emerged in parallel with the development of computer science and technology in order to combine many types of information (fuzzy, uncertain, imprecise,

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On a Series

A series related to a number theory function is presented and its limit is calculated.

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