Articolele autorului Iuliu Sorin Pop
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Program de masterat „Computational Science and Engineering”

Vezi Candidatii ideal sunt fie matematicieni orientati spre analiza numerica ori analiza aplicata, or fizicieni/ingineri cu o buna pregatire matematica. Nu ezita in a ma contacta pentru informatii suplimentare.

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Mixed finite elements for the Richards’ equation: linearization procedure

We consider mixed finite element discretization for a class of degenerate parabolic problems including the Richards' equation. After regularization, time discretization is achieved by an Euler implicit scheme, while mixed finite elements are employed for the discretization in space. Based on the results obtained in (Radu et al. RANA Preprint 02-06, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2002), this paper considers a simple iterative scheme to solve

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Analysis of a discretization method for the Richards’ equation
Effective Buckley-Leverett Equations by Homogenization

In this paper we consider water-drive to recover oil from a strongly heterogeneous porous column. The two-phase model uses Corey relative permeabilities and Brooks-Corey capillary pressure. The heterogeneities are perpendicular to flow and have a periodic structure. This results in one-dimensional flow and a space periodic absolute permeability, reflecting alternating coarse and fine layers. Assuming many - or thin - layers, we use homogenization

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Error estimates for a time discretization method for the Richards’ equation

We present a numerical analysis of a time discretization method applied to Richards' equation. Written in its saturation-based form, this nonlinear parabolic equation models water flow into unsaturated porous media. Depending on the soil parameters, the diffusion coefficient may vanish or explode, leading to degeneracy in the original parabolic equation. The numerical approach is based on an implicit Euler time discretization scheme and includes

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Effective equations for two-phase flow with trapping on the micro scale

In this paper we consider water-drive to recover oil from a strongly heterogeneous porous column. The two-phase model uses Corey relative permeabilities and Brooks-Corey capillary pressure. The heterogeneities are perpendicular to flow and have a periodic structure. This results in one-dimensional flow and a space periodic absolute permeability, reflecting alternating coarse and fine layers. Assuming many - or thin - layers, we use homogenization

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A numerical approach to degenerate parabolic equations

In this work we propose a numerical approach to solve some kind of degenerate parabolic equations. The underlying idea is based on the maximum principle. More precisely, we locally perturb the (initial and boundary) data instead of the nonlinear diffusion coefficients, so that the resulting problem is not degenerate. The efficiency of this method is shown analytically as well as numerically. The numerical experiments show that this new approach is

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