Articolele autorului Stefan Eugen Szedlacsek
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A microarray strategy for mapping the substrate specificity of protein tyrosine phosphatase.
Functional, fractal nonlinear response with application to rate processes with memory, allometry, and population genetics

We give a functional generalization of fractal scaling laws applied to response problems as well as to probability distributions. We consider excitations and responses, which are functions of a given state vector. Based on scaling arguments, we derive a general nonlinear response functional scaling law, which expresses the logarithm of a response at a given state as a superposition of the values of the logarithms of the excitations at different states.

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Identification and specificity profiling of protein prenyltransferase inhibitors using new fluorescent phosphoisoprenoids

Posttranslational modification of proteins with farnesyl and geranylgeranyl isoprenoids is a widespread phenomenon in eukaryotic organisms. Isoprenylation is conferred by three protein prenyltransferases: farnesyl transferase (FTase), geranylgeranyl transferase type-I (GGTase-I), and Rab geranylgeranyltransferase (RabGGTase). Inhibitors of these enzymes have emerged as promising therapeutic compounds for treatment of cancer, viral and parasite originated

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Fisher’s theorems for multivariable, time- and space-dependent systems, with applications in population genetics and chemical kinetics.

We study different physical, chemical, or biological processes involving replication, transformation, and disappearance processes, as well as transport processes, and assume that the time and space dependence of the species densities are known. We derive two types of Fisher equations. The first type relates the average value of the time derivative of the relative time-specific rates of growth of the different species to the variance of the relative,

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Ecuatiile mediilor poroase

Miercuri 7 decembrie, orele 11,00, in sala "Grigore Moisil" (sala 414, etaj 4) din Inst. Matematica al Academiei Romane (IMAR) are loc prima expunere din seria: "Ecuatiile mediilor poroase: teorie calitativa, comportament asimptotic, solutii de vascozitate" sustinuta de Razvan Iagar (IMAR).

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Kinetics of slow and tight-binding inhibitors
pH-dependent hysteretic behaviour of human myeloblastin (leucocyte proteinase 3)
Time-dependent control of metabolic systems by external effectors
Intramolecular interactions in protein tyrosine phosphatase RPTPmu: kinetic evidence.
Crystal structure of PTP-SL/PTPBR7 catalytic domain: implications for MAP kinase regulation.