Articolele autorului Tudor Oprea
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Solid-phase synthesis of libraries generated from a 4-phenyl-2-carboxy-piperazine scaffold.

Strategies for finding novel structures of therapeutic interest are discussed. The rationale for the selection of the two scaffolds N-4-(m-aminophenyl)-piperazine-2-carboxylic acid (I) and N-4-(o-aminophenyl)-piperazine-2-carboxylic (II) is described. The synthesis of the appropriate precursors to scaffold I and II and their use in solid-phase chem. are described. A 160-member library was produced combining these novel piperazine scaffolds with eight

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MTD-PLS: a PLS-based variant of the MTD method. A 3D-QSAR analysis of receptor affinities for a series of halogenated dibenzoxin and biphenyl derivatives.

MTD-PLS, the Partial Least Squares (PLS) variant of the Min. Topol. Difference (MTD) method is described. In MTD-PLS, mols. are characterized not only by the occupancy or nonoccupancy of the hypermol. vertices (as in classical MTD), but also by addnl. descriptors for each vertex: fragmental van der Waals vols., fragmental hydrophobicities, partial at. charges, etc. This method was applied to a series of 73 polyhalogenated derivs. of dibenzo-p-dioxine,

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Rapid estimation of hydrophobicity for virtual combinatorial library analysis.

Novel NPH (Nonpolar, Polar, H) descriptors for rapid estn. of hydrophobicity, amenable for filtering extremely large virtual combinatorial libraries (VCL) are proposed, based on atom counts; Pat, the sum of polar atoms (sum of O, N, P and S); NPat, the sum of nonpolar atoms (the sum of carbons and halogens minus Pat); SHDA (the sum of H bond donors and acceptors). In combination with mol. wt., the following related parameters are defined; MWPat (the

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Correlation between experimental electron affinities for aromatic derivatives and the values calculated with semiempirical MO methods.

Linear regressions of exptl. electron affinities, EA, and their values calcd. by semiempirical MO methods (CNDO, INDO, ZINDO/1, MNDO, AM1, PM3) were obtained for three classes of arom. derivs., ring-substituted nitrobenzenes, substituted 1,4-benzo-, naphtho- and anthraquinones and polycondensed arom. hydrocarbons. The most closed values to the exptl. EAs are obtained by the AM1 method which gives also a good correlation coeff. r = 0.97 and std. error

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