Articolele autorului Zoe Petre
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Commentaire aux „Sept Contre Thebes” d’Eschyle

The volume is a philological, literary, historical, and metric commentary of Aeschylus' tragedy, Seven against Thebes.

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Practica nemuririi. O lectura critica a izvoarelor grecesti referitoare la geti

Yhe book is a comprehensive research in the origins and transmission of the ancient greek (and incidentally also latin) (hi)stories about the Thracian people of the Getae. Starting with Sophocles and with Herodotus' Histories, the Getae were quite vaguely described, but invariably credited with rituals meant to bestow them immortality. How these peculiarities were born, transmitted from an wncient writer to another, and understood in Antiquity is

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