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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la

Publicatii proprii

More Sahidic Fragments from the Life of Shenoute Attributed to Besa
Anomalous porosity preservation and preferential accumulation of gas hydrate in the Andaman Accretionary Wedge, NGHP-01 Site 17A

In addition to well established properties that control the presence or absence of the hydrate stability zone, such as pressure, temperature, and salinity, additional parameters appear to influence the concentration of gas hydrate in host sediments. The stratigraphic record at Site 17A in the Andaman Sea, eastern Indian Ocean, illustrates the need to better understand the role pore-scale phenomena play in the distribution and presence of marine gas

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Interactive Particle Systems and Random Walks on Hypergraphs

We study hypergraph analogues of interacting particle systems and random walks, notably generalizations of coalescing and annihilating random walks. Their definition is motivated by the problem of analyzing the expected running time of a local search procedure for the k-XOR SAT problem, as well as a certain constrained triad dynamics in the theory of social balance.

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The role of North Brazil Current transport in the paleoclimate of the Brazilian Nordeste margin and paleoceanography of the western tropical Atlantic during the late Quaternary

Reconstructions of surface paleoceanographic conditions of the western equatorial Atlantic and past climates of the adjacent Northeast Brazilian (the "Nordeste") continental margin were undertaken by analyzing sediments from a piston core and associated gravity and box cores recovered from 3107 meter water depth at 0° 20’ N on the equatorial Brazilian continental slope. The record is dated by radiocarbon analysis and oxygen isotopic stratigraphy

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Learning cover context-free grammars from structural data

We consider the problem of learning an unknown context-free grammar when the only knowledge available and of interest to the learner is about its structural descriptions with depth at most l. The goal is to learn a cover context-free grammar (CCFG) with respect to l, that is, a CFG whose structural descriptions with depth at most l agree with those of the unknown CFG. We propose an algorithm, called LA^l, that efficiently learns a CCFG using two

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Comparative performance of incidence-based estimators of species richness in temperate zone herpetofauna inventories

Species inventories provide the basic information for biodiversity studies. Designing cost-effective species inventories is important in estimating the species richness or the number of additional species expected in a study area. Complete species inventories are difficult to achieve and a variety of estimation methods are available to counter the underestimation of species richness associated with incomplete sampling. A main criterion of selecting

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Brown bear activity in traditional wood-pastures in Southern Transylvania, Romania

During the past century, habitat fragmentation and increased human impacts have reduced populations of large carnivores throughout the world. Although bears have been extirpated from human-dominated landscape in most parts of Europe, they still occur in multi-use cultural landscapes in Southern Transylvania, Romania. Wood-pastures—grazed permanent grasslands with scattered or clumped trees and shrubs—are important elements of these cultural landscapes

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Oxidative protection of hemoglobin and hemerythrin by cross-linking with a nonheme iron peroxidase: Potentially improved oxygen carriers for use in blood substitutes

The nonheme peroxidase, rubrerythrin, shows the ability to reduce hydrogen peroxide to water without involving strongly oxidizing and free-radical creating powerful oxidants such as compounds I and II [formally Fe(IV)] formed in peroxidases and catalases. Rubrerythrin could, therefore, be a useful ingredient in protein-based artificial oxygen carriers. Here, we report that the oxygen-carrying proteins, hemoglobin (Hb) and hemerythrin (Hr), can each

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Sediment fluxes and buffering in the post-glacial Indus Basin

The Indus drainage has experienced major variations in climate since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) that have affected the volumes and compositions of the sediment reaching the ocean since that time. We here present a comprehensive first-order source-to-sink budget spanning the time since the LGM. We show that buffering of sediment in the floodplain accounts for ca. 20–25% of the mass flux. Sedimentation rates have varied greatly and must have

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Vegetation development in the central part of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast during the last 13 000 years