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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la

Publicatii proprii

On some structural characteristics of Fe-base shape memory alloys

Two different types of Fe-base shape memory alloys (SMAs), obtained by different processing methods, were comparatively analyzed from the point of view of: (i) structural characterization, (ii) morphologic aspects and (iii) mechanical behaviour. For this purpose, heat treated specimens of Fe-9Cr-4Ni-0.33C and in Fe-28Ni-17Co-11.5 Al-2.5 Ta (mass. %) were produced and prepared for X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations,

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The influence of heat treatment atmosphere and maintaining period on the homogeneity degree of a Fe- Mn-Si-Cr-Ni shape memory alloy obtained through powder metallurgy

An Fe-14Mn-6Si-9Cr-5Ni (mass. %) shape memory alloy obtained through powder metallurgy, containing a mixture of 50% commercial powders and 50% mechanical alloyed powders, was subjected to different heat treatments in order to increase chemical homogeneity degree. The heat treatments consisted of using three types of treatment atmospheres (air, nitrogen and argon) and three isothermal maintaining times (6 × 102 s, 24 × 102 s and 48 × 102 s). The

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High-Surfaces.Issues about Identity, Density, Future Intensive Developments, Image and Landscape p.149 Abstract ‘High-surfaces’ is a concept developed within the doctoral thesis of the author, in the context of built constructed areas of the city, developed either vertically or horizontally, or both. The tendency of developing and increasing active surfaces of the city are related to the population rapid growth in the big cities,

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New city is the new metropolis, built from scratch in the shape of a globalised and globalizing city which devours its surrounding tissue into a spatial pattern of ever-growing heights. This new city is the new three-dimensional space matrix, a space where horizontal expansion results into a spatial density exponential increase. New city is the denomination of architectural and urban phenomena, former city of the future, denoting a massive investment

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About urban insertions and space discontinuities The issue of urban insertions is still a very present-day debate, and a sensitive topic when discussing urban tissues of architectural, environmental or historical value. The entire professional community, heritage commissions, and civil societies (in areas where this experience of urban life already exists) are trying

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The free rigid body dynamics: Generalized versus classic
Mecanismul mutaţiilor genice
Observaţii asupra diagnosticului de laborator în 13 cazuri de poliartritã reumatoidã
Tehnologia ADN recombinant – bazã a clonãrii genetice
Profilul ADN (amprenta geneticã) – partea a II-a – Analiza prin reacţia polimerazicã în lanţ (tehnica de amplificare genicã – PCR)