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Domenii publicaţii > Stiinte umaniste + Tipuri publicaţii > Articol în volumul unei conferinţe
Autori: Marina Mihaila
Editorial: De Joanna, Francese, Passaro, Paola De Joanna, Dora Francese, Pierluigi Passaro, FrancoAngeli, Milano, Italy, Sustainable Mediterranean Construction. Sustainable Environment in the Mediterranean Region: from Housing to Urban and Land Scale Construction, isbn 8820414368, 9788820414368, p.614, 2012.
The issue of urban insertions is still a very present-day debate, and a sensitive topic when discussing urban tissues of architectural, environmental or historical value. The entire professional community, heritage commissions, and civil societies (in areas where this experience of urban life already exists) are trying to find the optimal solution without affecting the already culturally-established space which has current or potential value to the city. The questions are simple: how to intervene? why intervene? is there a safe response generated by marketing potential investor – municipality? What is the best way to intervene if the new insertion can be connected to an already existing structure: by embedding it but still without affecting its value? And most of all is the important question WHERE? Can one intervene in a constituted tissue, linked to the networks of the cultural space – paths, trails, landmarks, landmark buildings, valuable buildings, valuable elements which belong to the atmosphere, to the social factor, to communication and anthropology – without spoiling altering the algorithm established as valuable for the area / city.
Known tendencies of the modern city are to agglomerate the center by aggregating suburbs, thus the center and the central poles of cities are undergoing a process of continuous tension and pressure towards densification, and even height growth by addition of high buildings.
The definition of discontinuities creates the premises of ‘filling’ these holes in the urban fabric, with + or – spaces, but always in predefined sense of original context , without which the urban insertion could be challenged and remain unaccepted in the life of city images.
This article proposes a discussion about continuity and discontinuity, holes, and insertions in the Mediterranean space.
Keywords: value, discontinuity, continuity, insertion
Cuvinte cheie: arhitectura, mediteranean, arta, antropologie, urbanism, spatiu cultural // Architecture, Mediterranean, Art, Culture, Anthropology, Urban Planing, Cultural Space