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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la

Publicatii proprii

Does Financial Connectedness Predict Crises?

The global financial crisis has reignited interest in models of crisis prediction. It has also raised the question whether financial interconnectedness -- a possible source of systemic risk -- can serve as an early warning indicator of crises. In this paper we examine the ability of connectedness in the global network of financial linkages to predict systemic banking crises during the 1978-2010 period. Our results indicate that increases in a country's

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Armed Conflict, Household Victimization, and Child Health in Cote d’Ivoire

We examine the causal impact of the 2002-2007 civil conflict in Cote d'Ivoire on children's health using household surveys collected before, during, and after the conflict, and information on the exact location and date of conflict events. Our identification strategy relies on exploiting both temporal and spatial variation across birth cohorts to measure children's exposure to the conflict. We find that children from regions more affected by the

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Comparing supervised and unsupervised multiresolution segmentation approaches for extracting buildings from very high resolution imagery

Although multiresolution segmentation (MRS) is a powerful technique for dealing with very high resolution imagery, some of the image objects that it generates do not match the geometries of the target objects, which reduces the classification accuracy. MRS can, however, be guided to produce results that approach the desired object geometry using either supervised or unsupervised approaches. Although some studies have suggested that a supervised approach

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A Customer-oriented Approach to Satisfaction with Public Service Providers. Empirical Findings from a Market Undergoing Liberalization

Unlike the open competition economic sectors where tens, hundreds or even thousands of companies ‘struggle’ to provide consumers not only with services but also with special utility, the regulated markets (power supply, public transportation, public safety etc.) are dominated by a limited number of service providers. Sometimes the situation is pushed to the point where a few companies ‘control’ the market and set the prices. Although the

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An approach to sustainable development from tourists` perspective. Empirical evidence in Romania

Developing businesses in compliance with the principles of sustainability has been a tough challenge in our century. A planned, integrated and properly coordinated orientation towards environment protection, involvement in activities of society and local communities, supporting and streamlining its own economic activities are the core elements whereby a business can obtain long-term harmonious development, a synergic evolution and a competitive advantage.

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Ethical responsibility of the neuromarketing companies in capitalizing on market research – An exploratory approach at the global level

A key challenge in the 21st century is identifying how to satisfy consumers’ needs in the best manner possible, whilst ensuring companies’ financial profitability. Scientists play a major role in achieving this goal, as research methods, techniques and tools have continuously evolved. In the last two decades, the development of these instruments has seen an important boost, as neuromarketing methods and techniques added depth and accuracy to

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A Customer-Oriented Perspective on Retail Brand Equity in the Fashion Industry

One of the major themes in the contemporary society—greatly affected by hyper-competition, globalization and rapid change in the behavior of demand agents (buyers)—consists of theoretical debates and practical challenges raised in relation to the concept of brand. There seems to be no clear-cut distinction, both in theory and particularly in practice, between brand, producer’s brand, dealer’s brand, store brand or corporate brand. Therefore,

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International Transfer and Perception of Retail Formats: A comparison Study in Germany and Romania

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the important but neglected role of retail formats in the transfer and positioning decisions of international retailers. The paper examines the role of core and country-specific attributes of particular formats in determining retailers’ local positioning in inter-format competition. Design/methodology/approach – Focussing on three distinguished grocery formats (i.e. discounters, supermarkets,

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Romanian consumers’ behaviour towards counterfeit products

Counterfeiting and piracy have emerged as a not inconsiderable phenomenon on the world market because it presents a major peril to the national security, the legal businesses, and even to the economic development and the advancement of society. The scourge of counterfeiting represents today an impending danger because it affects consumers’ health and safety, violates the principles of fair competition, fosters illicit trade, illegal migration and

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Methodology for Assesing the Degree of Internationalization of Business Academic Study Programmes

The purpose of this paper is to develop a methodology for assessing the degree of internationalization of undergraduate, Master’s and doctoral business programmes with the aid of complex indicators designed to capture the vast array of characteristics displayed by these programmes and contribute to their promotion in the international academic competition. The methodology should include both general indicators applicable to any study programme

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