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A Customer-oriented Approach to Satisfaction with Public Service Providers. Empirical Findings from a Market Undergoing Liberalization

Domenii publicaţii > Economie + Tipuri publicaţii > Articol în revistã ştiinţificã

Autori: Dan-Cristian DABIJA, Raluca BĂBUŢ (COMIATI), Ciprian-Marcel POP

Editorial: Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, Special Issue, p.26-49, 2013.


Unlike the open competition economic sectors
where tens, hundreds or even thousands
of companies ‘struggle’ to provide consumers
not only with services but also with special utility,
the regulated markets (power supply, public
transportation, public safety etc.) are dominated
by a limited number of service providers. Sometimes
the situation is pushed to the point where
a few companies ‘control’ the market and set the
prices. Although the power and gas supply is still
‘dictated’ by the Romanian authorities, the directives
of the European Union coerce the government
to deregulate the utility sector and liberalize
prices. For the companies concerned, this entails
a better customer orientation and an adaptation
of their services to the customers’ expectations
and preferences. From this point forward, the utility
suppliers will have to better cope with the public’s
various forms of dissatisfaction with prices,
performance or communication etc.
The authors of the current paper attempt to
analyze how some characteristics of the marketing
mix of utility providers may contribute to a
proper understanding and building satisfaction
with two surveyed regional providers. The findings
reveal significant management implications
which help utility providers better channel their
efforts into the proper knowledge of markets and
particularly the target segments that they approach.

Cuvinte cheie: public administration, public services, public utilities, customer satisfaction, market regulation, Romania
