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Nascut(a) in: 1953
Interese: Topologie
My research interests are in Topology, and how it relates to Algebra, Geometry, and Combinatorics. I currently investigate cohomology jumping loci, and their applications to algebraic varieties, low-dimensional topology, and toric topology, such as the study of hyperplane arrangements, Milnor fibrations, moment angle complexes, configuration spaces, and various classes of knots, links, and manifolds, as well as the homology and lower central series of discrete groups.
I did my undergraduate studies in Mathematics at the University of Bucharest (1971-76). For my graduate studies, I went to Columbia University, in New York City, where I received a PhD in Mathematics in 1984.
My research interests are in Topology, and how it relates to Algebra, Geometry, and Combinatorics. I mainly study the topology and combinatorics of hyperplane arrangements. I also study various problems concerning the topology and geometry of knots, links, and manifolds, and the homology and lower central series of discrete groups.
Publicații selectate:
* G. Denham, A.I.Suciu, Local systems on arrangements of smooth, complex algebraic hypersurfaces, Cambridge University Press, Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 6, 2018.
* G. Denham, A.I. Suciu, S. Yuzvinsky, Abelian duality and propagation of resonance, Springer, Selecta Mathematica, 23, 2017.
* A.I. Suciu, H. Wang, The pure braid groups and their relatives, Springer, F. Callegaro, G. Carnovale, F. Caselli, C. De Concini, A. De Sole, Springer INdAM Series, 19, 2017.
* A.I. Suciu, H. Wang, Pure virtual braids, resonance, and formality, Springer, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 286, 2017.
* S. Papadima, A.I. Suciu, The Milnor fibration of a hyperplane arrangement: from modular resonance to algebraic monodromy, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 114, 2017.
* Alexandru I. Suciu, On the topology of the Milnor fibration of a hyperplane arrangement, Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, vol. 62, no. 1, 2017.
* D.A. Macinic, S. Papadima, C.R. Popescu, A.I. Suciu, Flat connections and resonance varieties: from rank one to higher ranks, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 369, 2017.
* A.I. Suciu, Around the tangent cone theorem, Springer INdAM series, Filippo Callegaro, Frederick Cohen, Corrado De Concini, Eva M. Feichtner, Giovanni Gaiffi, Mario Salvetti, Configuration Spaces: Geometry, Topology and Representation Theory, 2016.
* G. Denham, A.I. Suciu, S. Yuzvinsky, Combinatorial covers and vanishing of cohomology, Springer, Selecta Mathematica, 22, 2016.
* A.I. Suciu, Y. Yang, G. Zhao, Homological finiteness of abelian covers, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, 14(1), 2015.
* S. Papadima, A.I. Suciu, Jump loci in the equivariant spectral sequence, International Press, Mathematical Research Letters, 21, 2014.
* S. Papadima, A.I. Suciu, Non-abelian resonance: product and coproduct formulas, Springer, Denis Ibadula, Willem Veys, Bridging Algebra, Geometry, and Topology, 96, 2014.
* G. Denham, A.I. Suciu, Multinets, parallel connections, and Milnor fibrations of arrangements, Oxford University Press, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 108 (6), 2014.
* A.I. Suciu, Hyperplane arrangements and Milnor fibrations, Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse, 23, 2014.
* S. Friedl, A.I. Suciu, Kähler groups, quasi-projective groups, and 3-manifold groups, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 89, 2014.
* A.I. Suciu, Characteristic varieties and Betti numbers of free abelian covers, Oxford University Press, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2014, 2014.
* A. I. Suciu, Geometric and homological finiteness in free abelian covers, Edizioni della Normale, Pisa, Anders Bjorner, Fred Cohen, Corrado De Concini, Claudo Procesi, Mario Salvetti, Configuration Spaces: Geometry, Topology and Combinatorics, 2012.
* S. Papadima, A. I. Suciu, Homological finiteness in the Johnson filtration of the automorphism group of a free group, Journal of Topology, 5 (4), 2012.
* A.I. Suciu, Y. Yang, G. Zhao, Intersections of translated algebraic subtori, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 217 (3), 2013.
* A. I. Suciu, Resonance varieties and Dwyer-Fried invariants, Kinokuniya, Arrangements of Hyperplanes (Sapporo 2009), H. Terao and S. Yuzvinsky, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, 62, 2012.
* A. I. Suciu, Fundamental groups, Alexander invariants, and cohomology jumping loci, American Math. Soc., Topology of Algebraic Varieties and Singularities, J.I. Cogolludo-Agustin, E. Hironaka, Contemporary Mathematics, 538, 2011.
* S. Papadima, A.I. Suciu, Algebraic monodromy and obstructions to formality, Forum Mathematicum, 22 (5), 2010.
* A. Dimca, S. Papadima, A.I. Suciu, Quasi-Kähler groups, 3-manifold groups, and formality, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 268 (1), 2011.
* S. Papadima, A.I. Suciu, Bieri-Neumann-Strebel-Renz invariants and homology jumping loci, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 100 (3), 2010.
* S. Papadima, A.I. Suciu, The spectral sequence of an equivariant chain complex and homology with local coefficients, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 362 (5), 2010.
* S. Papadima, A. Suciu, Geometric and algebraic aspects of 1-formality, Bulletin Math'ematique de la Soci'et'e des Sciences Math'ematiques de Roumanie, 52 (3), 2009.
* A. Dimca, S. Papadima, A.I. Suciu, Topology and geometry of cohomology jump loci, Duke Mathematical Journal, 148 (3), 2009.
* A. Dimca, S. Papadima, A.I. Suciu, Non-finiteness properties of fundamental groups of smooth projective varieties, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 629, 2009.
* A. Dimca, A. I. Suciu, Which 3-manifold groups are Kähler groups?, Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 11 (3), 2009.
* S. Papadima, A. I. Suciu, Toric complexes and Artin kernels, Advances in Mathematics, 220 (2), 2009.
* D.C. Cohen, A.I. Suciu, The boundary manifold of a complex line arrangement, Geometry & Topology Monographs, 13, 2008.
* A. Dimca, S. Papadima, A.I. Suciu, Alexander polynomials: Essential variables and multiplicities, International Mathematics Research Notices, article ID rnm119, 36 pages, 2008.
* M. Farber, A.I. Suciu, S. Yuzvinsky, Mini-Workshop: Topology of closed one-forms and cohomology jumping loci, Oberwolfach Reports, 4 (3), 2007.
* M. Kreck, A.I. Suciu, Free abelian covers, short loops, stable length, and systolic inequalities, Mathematische Annalen, 340 (3), 2008.
* S. Papadima, A.I. Suciu, Algebraic invariants for Bestvina-Brady groups, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 76 (2), 2007.
* A. Dimca, S. Papadima, A. I. Suciu, Quasi-Kähler Bestvina-Brady groups, Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 17 (1), 2008.
* G. Denham, A. I. Suciu, Moment angle complexes, monomial ideals, and Massey products, Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 3 (1), 2007.
* S. Papadima, A. I. Suciu, When does the associated graded Lie algebra of an arrangement group decompose?, Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 81 (4), 2006.
* D. C. Cohen, A. I. Suciu, Boundary manifolds of projective hypersurfaces, Advances in Mathematics, 206 (2), 2006.
* G. Denham, A.I. Suciu, On the homotopy Lie algebra of an arrangement, Michigan Mathematical Journal, 54 (2), 2006.
* S. Papadima, A.I. Suciu, Algebraic invariants for right-angled Artin groups, Mathematische Annalen, 334 (3), 2006.
* H.K. Schenck, A.I. Suciu, Resonance, linear syzygies, Chen groups, and the Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand correspondence, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 358 (5), 2006.
* D. Matei, A.I. Suciu, Counting homomorphisms onto finite solvable groups, Journal of Algebra, 286 (1), 2005.
* S. Papadima, A.I. Suciu, Homotopy Lie algebras, lower central series and the Koszul property, Geometry and Topology, 8, 2004.
* S. Papadima, A.I. Suciu, Chen Lie algebras, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2004 (21), 2004.
* D.C. Cohen, G. Denham, A.I. Suciu, Torsion in Milnor fiber homology, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 3, 2003.
* S. Papadima, A.I. Suciu, Rational homotopy groups and Koszul algebras, Comptes Rendus Math'ematique. Acad'emie des Sciences, Paris, 335 (1), 2002.
* H.K. Schenck, A.I. Suciu, Lower central series and free resolutions of hyperplane arrangements, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 354 (9), 2002.
* D. Matei, A.I. Suciu, Hall invariants, homology of subgroups, and characteristic varieties, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2002 (9), 2002.
* S. Papadima, A.I. Suciu, Higher homotopy groups of complements of complex hyperplane, Advances in Mathematics, 165 (1), 2002.
* A.I. Suciu, Fundamental groups of line arrangements: Enumerative aspects, American Math. Soc., Advances in algebraic geometry motivated by physics (Lowell, MA, 2000), E. Previato, Contemporary Mathematics, 276, 2001.
* A.I. Suciu, Translated tori in the characteristic varieties of complex hyperplane arrangements, Topology and its Applications, 118 (1-2), 2002.
* M. Katz, A. Suciu, Systolic freedom of loop space, Geometric and Functional Analysis, 11 (1), 2001.
* D. Matei, A.I. Suciu, Cohomology rings and nilpotent quotients of real and complex arrangements, Arrangements--Tokyo 1998, M. Falk, H. Terao, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, 27, 2000.
* D.C. Cohen, A.I. Suciu, Characteristic varieties of arrangements, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 127 (1), 1999.
* M.G. Katz, A.I. Suciu, Riemannian manifolds, geometric inequalities, and homotopy theory, Tel Aviv Topology Conference: Rothenberg Festschrift (1998), M. Farber, W. Lueck, S. Weinberger, Contemporary Mathematics, 231, 1999.
* D. Matei, A.I. Suciu, Homotopy types of complements of 2-arrangements in R^4, Topology, 39 (1), 2000.
* I.K. Babenko, M.G. Katz, A.I. Suciu, Volumes, middle-dimensional systoles, and Whitehead products, Mathematical Research Letters, 5 (4), 1998.
* D.C. Cohen, A.I. Suciu, Alexander invariants of complex hyperplane arrangements, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 351 (10), 1999.
* D.C. Cohen, A.I. Suciu, Homology of iterated semidirect products of free groups, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 126 (1-3), 1998.
* D.C. Cohen, A.I. Suciu, The braid monodromy of plane algebraic curves and hyperplane arrangements, Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 72 (2), 1997.
* E. Dror Farjoun, S.M. Jekel, A.I. Suciu, Homology of jet groups, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 102 (1), 1995.
* D.C. Cohen, A.I. Suciu, On Milnor fibrations of arrangements, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 51 (1), 1995.
* D.C. Cohen, A.I. Suciu, The Chen groups of the pure braid group, American Mathematical Society, The Cech centennial (Boston, MA, 1993), M. Cenkl, H. Miller, Contemporary Mathematics, 181, 1995.
* W.G. Dwyer, S.M. Jekel, A.I. Suciu, Homology isomorphisms between algebraic groups made discrete, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 25 (2), 1993.
* A.I. Suciu, Inequivalent frame-spun knots with the same complement, Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 67 (1), 1992.
* J.R. Klein, A.I. Suciu, Inequivalent fibred knots whose homotopy Seifert pairings are isometric, Mathematische Annalen, 289 (4), 1991.
* A.I. Suciu, Iterated spinning and homology spheres, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 321 (1), 1990.
* A.I. Suciu, The oriented homotopy type of spun 3-manifolds, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 131 (2), 1988.
* A.I. Suciu, Immersed spheres in CP^2 and S^2 x S^2, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 196 (1), 1987.
* S.P. Plotnick, A.I. Suciu, Fibered knots and spherical space forms, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 35 (3), 1987.
* A. Suciu, Homology 4-spheres with distinct k-invariants, Topology and its Applications, 25 (1), 1987.
* A.I. Suciu, Infinitely many ribbon knots with the same fundamental group, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 98 (3), 1985.
* S.P. Plotnick, A.I. Suciu, k-Invariants of knotted 2-spheres, Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 60 (1), 1985.
* A.I. Suciu, Homotopy type invariants of four-dimensional knot complements, Columbia University, New York, NY, 1984.
* N. Suciu-Foca, M. Godfrey, A. Suciu, R. Khan, C. Rohowsky, J. Malavet, A. Sawczuk, K. Woodward, E. Susinno, M. Hardy, Checkerboards between 8W HTCs: Polymorphism of LD2 or heterogeneity of HLA-D antigens?, P.I. Terasaki, Histocompatibility Testing, 1980.
* N. Suciu-Foca, M. Godfrey, C. Rohowsky, R. Khan, A. Suciu, M. Sankel, A. Sawczuk, M. Hardy, K. Reemtsma, HLA-D-DR relationships. III. Reaction patterns of 8W HTCs, UCLA Tissue Typing Laboratory, P. I. Terasaki, Histocompatibility Testing, 1980.
* N. Suciu-Foca, E. Susinno, M. Godfrey, P. McKiernan, C. Rohowsky, M. Sankel, A. Suciu, HLA-antigens in the Romanian population, Transplantation Proceedings, 11 (4), 1979.
* A. Suciu, N. Suciu-Foca, The genetics of LD2. I. Gene frequency: an estimation, Transplantation Proceedings, 11 (2), 1979.