Scopul nostru este sprijinirea şi promovarea cercetării ştiinţifice şi facilitarea comunicării între cercetătorii români din întreaga lume.
Domenii publicaţii > Ştiinţe politice + Tipuri publicaţii > Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)
Autori: Flavius Stan
Editorial: Center for European Studies, New York University, 2002.
Thesis Supervisor: Professor Jan T. Gross, Associate Chair, Center for European Studies, New York University
II.Legacies and Socio-Political Spectra in the 1990’s
– Main Political Developments (1990-2000)
– Social Legacies
III. Political Alternatives to the Re-Defining Moderate Elite: The (Ultra)Nationalists and the Democratic Reformers
– The (Ultra)Nationalists: a readily available option for the regional nomenklatura and Romania’s disgruntled
– The Democratizers: an incoherent and ineffective political option
IV.From Reluctant Pluralists to Constructive Social-Democrats? A Re-Assessment of Romania’s Moderate Political Elite.
Cuvinte cheie: post-communism, Romania, political elites, social legacies