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Autori: M. Echim, J. Lemaire
Editorial: P.Newell and T. Onsager, American Geophysical Union, "Earth's Low Latitude Boundary Layer" AGU Monograph 133, p.169-179, 2003.
The impulsive penetration mechanism describes the dynamics of a plasma irregularity (or plasmoid) at the interface between the magnetosheath and the Earth’s magnetosphere. The plasmoid’s motion perpendicular to B is self-sustained by a polarization electric field; its analytical expression can be derived by assuming that the magnetic moment of ions and electrons is adiabatically conserved. Numerical integration of trajectories injected into this E-field distribution crossed with the B-field of a tangential discontinuity demonstrates that the particle penetrates the discontinuity surface. Weak-double-layers (wdl) at the edges of the plasmoid confine the electrons and ions within the volume of the plasmoid. Inside the magnetosphere wdl move along geomagnetic field lines, the plasmoid expands and its density decreases. A positive density gradient develops inside the plasma element.
Cuvinte cheie: plasmoid, simulari cu particule -test, interactia vint solar - magnetosfera // plasmoid, test-particle simulations, solar wind - magnetosphere interaction