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Petrişor AI GIS-based methodology for the analysis of regional landscapes and their changes based on land cover and use: a planning perspective aimed at conserving the natural heritage. Planning and designing sustainable and resilient landscapes, p.87-104, 2014.
Ianoş I, Petrişor AI, Zamfir D, Cepoiu AL, Stoica IV In search of a relevant indicator measuring territorial disparities in a transition country. Case study: Romania. Die Erde, p.69-81, 2013.
Petrisor AI, Ianos I, Talanga C Land cover and use changes focused on the urbanization processes in Romania. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, p.765-771, 2010.
Popescu O, Petrisor AI GIS analysis of an area representative for the Romanian hardly accessible mountain regions with a complex and high-valued touristic potential. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, p.203-210, 2010.
Cheval S, Dumitrescu A, Petrisor AI The July Surface Temperature Lapse in the Romanian Carpathians. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, p.189-198, 2011.
Petrisor AI Systemic theory applied to ecology, geography and spatial planning. Theoretical and methodological developments. 2011.
Meita V, Petrisor AI, Simion-Melinte C-P Assessing the vulnerability to climate change in the Romanian part of Tisza river basin. Research Journal of Agricultural Science, p.429-436, 2011.
Manole SD, Petrisor AI, Tache A, Parvu E GIS assessment of development gaps among Romanian administrative units. Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, p.5-19, 2011.
Petrisor AI Land cover and land use analysis of urban growth in Romania. Human Geographies, p.47-51, 2012.
Chichoş A, Csete M, Dzurdzenik J, Göncz A, Huzui A, Petrişor AI, Király D, Pálvölgyi T, Schneller K, Staub F, Jaroslav T, Toth G Tisza river case study. European climate vulnerabilities and adaptation: A spatial planning perspective, p.205-229, 2013.
Boştenaru Dan M, Armaş I, Petrişor AI, Cerqua A, Gociman C, Goretti A Earthquake hazard impact and urban planning – conclusion and recommendations for further work. Earthquake Hazard Impact and Urban Planning, p.307-313, 2014.
Petrişor AI, Petrişor LE 25 years of sustainability. A critical analysis. Present Environment and Sustainable Development, p.175-190, 2014.
Petrişor AI, Petrişor LE Geostatistical approach to find ‘hotspots’ where biodiversity is at risk in a transition country. Present Environment and Sustainable Development, p.151-162, 2014.
Petrişor Alexandru-Ionuţ, Petrişor Liliana Elza Using spatial metrics to assess the efficacy of biodiversity conservation within the Romanian Carpathian Convention area. Present Environment and Sustainable Development, p.35-43, 2017.
Petrişor Alexandru-Ionuţ, Petrişor Liliana Elza 2006-2012 land cover and use changes in Romania – an overall assessment based on CORINE data. Present Environment and Sustainable Development, p.119-127, 2017.
Saadaoui Islem, Bryant Christopher Robin, Rejeb Hichem, Petrişor Alexandru-Ionuţ Biodiversity conservation and strategies of public awareness. Case study: the natural landscapes of central Tunisia. Present Environment and Sustainable Development, p.263-278, 2018.
Petrişor Alexandru-Ionuţ, Petrişor Liliana Elza Transitional dynamics based trend analysis of land cover and use changes in Romania during 1990-2012. Present Environment and Sustainable Development, p.215-231, 2018.
Petrişor Alexandru-Ionuţ, Sîrodoev Igor, Ianoş Ioan Trends in the national and regional transitional dynamics of land cover and use changes in Romania. Remote Sensing, p.230, 2020.
Ianos I, Petrisor AI, Stoica IV, Sarbu CN, Zamfir D, Cercleux AL The different consuming of primary eco-energies and their degradation in territorial systems. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, p.251-260, 2011.
Petrişor AI, Grigorovschi M, Meiţã V, Simion-Melinte CP Long-term environmental changes analysis using CORINE data. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, p.847-860, 2014.
Petrişor Alexandru-Ionuţ GIS quantitative assessment of 1990-2006 deforestations within Romanian natural protected areas. Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldiş, Life Sciences Series, p.7-13, 2018.
Petrişor Alexandru-Ionuţ A diversity-based approach to the spatial development of socio-ecological systems. Urbanism Architecture Constructions, p.143-162, 2017.
Warken, S.F., Fohlmeister, J., Schroeder-Ritzrau, A., Constantin, S., Spoetl, C., Gerdes, A., Esper, J., Frank, N., Arps, J., Terente, M., Rechelmann, D.F.C., Mangini, A., Scholtz, D. Reconstruction of late Holocene autumn/winter precipitation variability in SW Romania from a high-resolution speleothem trace element record.. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, p.122-133, 2018.
Constantin, S., Toulkeridis, T., Moldovan, O.T., Villacis, M., Addison, A. Caves and karst of Ecuador – state-of-the-art and research perspectives. Physical Geography, 2018.
Robu, M., Wynn, J., Mirea, I.C., Petculescu, A., Kenesz, M., Puscas, C.M., Vlaicu, M., Trinkaus, E. Constantin, S. The diverse dietary profiles of MIS 3 cave bears from the Romanian Carpathians: insights from stable isotope (d13C and d15N) analysis. Palaeontology, 2017.
Ruxandra Vintila, Cristina Radnea First steps in Romania converging toward the GlobalSoilMap specifications. GlobalSoilMap - Digital Soil Mapping from Country to Globe (ISBN 978-0-8153-7548-7), p.35-42, 2018.
Drăghici Cristian Constantin, Andronache Ion, Ahammer Helmut, Peptenatu Daniel, Pintilii Radu-Daniel, Ciobotaru Ana-Maria, Simion Adrian Gabriel, Dobrea Răzvan Cătălin, Diaconu Daniel Constantin, Vișan Mircea-Cristian, Papuc Răzvan Mihail Spatial evolution of forest areas in the northern Carpathian Mountains of Romania. Acta Montanistica Slovaca, p.95-106, 2017.
Ana-Maria Ciobotaru, Ion Andronache, Daniel Peptenatu, Dabiel Constantin Diaconu, Mircea Cristian Vişan Bioclimatic analysis and tourism analysis in Romania. Public Recreation and Landscape Protection - With Nature Hand in Hand? Conference Proceeding 2017, p.37-43, 2017.
Radu-Daniel Pintilii, Daniel Peptenatu, Ana-Maria Ciobotaru, Sorin George Toma, Ana Maria Grigore, Cristian-Constantin Drăghici, Răzvan-Cătălin Dobrea, Adrian Gabriel Simion, Ion Andronache, Camelia Teodorescu, Daniel Constantin Diaconu Creative economies in Romania – spatial projections and trends. Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, p.95-108, 2017.
Daniel Constantin Diaconu, Ion Andronache, Helmut Ahammer, Ana-Maria Ciobotaru, Martina Zelenakova, Roxana Dinescu, Aleksandr Vasilievici Pozdnyakov, Svetlana Alekseevna Chupikova Fractal drainage model – a new approach to determinate the complexity of watershed. Acta Montanistica Slovaca, p.12-21, 2017.
Daniel Constantin Diaconu, Daniel Peptenatu, Radu-Daniel Pintilii, Ion Andronache, Cristian-Constantin Drăghici, Răzvan-Cătălin Dobrea Analysis of the Relationship Between the Piezometric Level and Urban Development in the Emerging Bucharest City, Romania. Procedia Engineering, p.627-631.
Radu-Daniel Pintilii, Ion Andronache, Daniel Constantin Diaconu, Răzvan Cătălin Dobrea, Martina Zeleňáková, Rasmus Fensholt, Daniel Peptenatu, Cristian-Constantin Drăghici , Ana-Maria Ciobotaru Using Fractal Analysis in Modeling the Dynamics of Forest Areas and Economic Impact Assessment: Maramures , County, Romania, as a Case Study. Forests, p.25, 2017.
Ion Andronache, Rasmus Fensholt, Helmut Ahammer, Ana-Maria Ciobotaru, Radu-Daniel Pintilii, Daniel Peptenatu, Cristian-Constantin Drăghici, Daniel Constantin Diaconu, Marko Radulović, Giuseppe Pulighe, Akomian Fortuné Azihou, Mireille Scholastique Toyi, Brice Sinsin Assessment of Textural Differentiations in Forest Resources in Romania Using Fractal Analysis. Forests, p.54, 2017.
Ion C. Andronache, Helmut Ahammer, Herbert F. Jelinek, Daniel Peptenatu, Ana-Maria Ciobotaru, Cristian Constantin Draghici, Radu Daniel Pintilii, Adrian Gabriel Simion, Camelia Teodorescu Fractal analysis for studying the evolution of forests. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, p.310-318, 2016.
Ion C. Andronache, Daniel Peptenatu, Ana-Maria Ciobotaru, Andreea Karina Gruia, Nina Margareta Gropoşilă Using fractal analysis in modeling trends in the national economy. Procedia Environmental Sciences, p.344-351, 2016.
Cristian Constantin Draghici, Ion C. Andronache, Ana-Maria Ciobotaru, Marina-Ramona Rujoiu-Mare, Razvan-Catalin Dobrea EVOLUTION OF INVESTMENTS IN AGRICULTURE IN AREAS AFFECTED BY ARIDITY. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM, p.233-+, 2016.
Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor, Ion C. Andronache, Liliana Elza Petrişor, AnaMaria Ciobotaru, Daniel Peptenatu Assessing the fragmentation of the green infrastructure in Romanian cities using fractal models and numerical taxonomy. Procedia Environmental Sciences, p.110-123, 2016.
Ana-Maria Ciobotaru, Daniel Peptenatu, Ion C. Andronache, Adrian-Gabriel Simion FRACTAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE AFFORESTED, DEFORESTED AND REFORESTED AREAS IN SUCEAVA COUNTY, ROMANIA. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM, p.445-+, 2016.
Razvan Mihail Papuc, Radu-Daniel Pintilii, Ion Andronache, Daniel Peptenatu, Catalin Razvan Dobrea Assessing economic pressure on the forest fund in Romania. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference - SGEM, p.441-446, 2015.
Pintilii Radu-Daniel, Andronache Ion C., Simion Adrian-Gabriel, Draghici Cristian-Constantin, Peptenatu Daniel, Ciobotaru Ana-Maria, Dobrea Razvan-Catalin, Papuc Razvan-Mihail Determining forest fund evolution by fractal analysis (Suceava – Romania). Urbanism Architecture Constructions, p.31-42, 2016.
Dominique Arrouays, Johan G.B. Leenaars, Anne C. Richer-de-Forges, Kabindra Adhikari, Cristiano Ballabio, Mogens Greve, Mike Grundy, Eliseo Guerrero, Jon Hempel, Tomislav Hengl, Gerard Heuvelink, Niels Batjes, Eloi Carvalho, Alfred Hartemink, Alan Hewitt, Suk-Young Hong, Pavel Krasilnikov, Philippe Lagacherie, Glen Lelyk, Zamir Libohova, Allan Lilly, Alex McBratney, Neil McKenzie, Gustavo M. Vasquez, Vera Leatitia Mulder, Budiman Minasny, Luca Montanarella, Inakwu Odeh, Jose Padarian, Laura Poggio, Pierre Roudier, Nicolas Saby, Igor Savin, Ross Searle, Vladimir Solbovoy, James Thompson, Scott Smith, Yiyi Sulaeman, Ruxandra Vintila, Raphael Viscarra Rossel, Peter Wilson, Gan-Lin Zhang, Martine Swerts, Katrien Oorts, Aldis Karklins, Liu Feng, Alexandro R. Ibelles Navarro, Arkadiy Levin, Tatiana Laktionova, Martin Dell'Acqua, Nopmanee Suvannang, Waew Ruam, Jagdish Prasad, Nitin Patil, Stjepan Husnjak, László Pásztor, Joop Okx, Stephen Hallet, Caroline Keay, Timothy Farewell, Harri Lilja, Jérôme Juilleret, Simone Marx, Yusuke Takata, Yagi Kazuyuki, Nicolas Mansuy, Panos Panagos, Mark Van Liedekerke, Rastislav Skalsky, Jaroslava Sobocka, Josef Kobza, Kamran Eftekhari, Seyed Kacem Alavipanah, Rachid Moussadek, Mohamed Badraoui, Mayesse Da Silva, Garry Paterson, Maria da Conceição Gonçalves, Sid Theocharopoulos, Martin Yemefack, Silatsa Tedou, Borut Vrscaj, Urs Grob, Josef Kozák, Lubos Boruvka, Endre Dobos, Miguel Taboada, Lucas Moretti, Dario Rodriguez Soil legacy data rescue via GlobalSoilMap and other international and national initiatives. GeoResJ, p.1-19, 2017.
Chang D, Knapp M, Enk J, Lippold S, Kircher M, Lister A, MacPhee RDE, Widga C, Czechowski P, Sommer R, Hodges E, Stümpel N, Barnes I, Dalén L, Derevianko A, Germonpré M, Hillebrand-Voiculescu A, Constantin S, Kuznetsova T, Mol D, Rathgeber T, Rosendahl W, Tikhonov AN, Willerslev E, Hannon G, Lalueza-Fox C, Joger U, Poinar H, Hofreiter M & Shapiro B. The evolutionary and phylogeographic history of woolly mammoths: a comprehensive mitogenomic analysis. Scientific Reports, p.44585, 2017.
Robu, M. Petculescu, A., Mirea, I-C., Kenesz, M., Vlaicu, M., Constantin, S. Carnivore impact on cave bear bones and the analysis of their dispersion. Case study: Ursilor Cave (NW Romania). Acta Carsologica, p.263-274., 2016.
Gonzales Fortes G, Grandal-d'Anglade A, Kolbe B., Fernandes D.M., Meleg I., Garcia-Vasquez A, Constantin S, de Torres T.J, Ortiz J.E, Frischauf C, Rabeder G, Hofreiter M, Barlow A. Ancient DNA reveals differences in behaviour and sociality between brown bears and extinct cave bears. Mollecular Ecology, p.4907-4918, 2016.
Prăvălie R, Zaharia L, Bandoc G, Petrişor AI, Ionuş O, Mitof I Hydroclimatic dynamics in southwestern Romania drylands over the past 50 years. Journal of Earth System Science, p.1255-1271, 2016.
Petrişor AI, Andronache IC, Petrişor LE, Ciobotaru AM, Peptenatu D Assessing the fragmentation of the green infrastructure in Romanian cities using fractal models and numerical taxonomy. Procedia Environmental Sciences, p.110-123, 2016.
Petrişor AI Assessment of the long-term effects of global changes within the Romanian natural protected areas. International Journal of Conservation Science, p.759-770, 2016.