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Autori: Allon Percus, Gabriel Istrate and Cristopher Moore (editors)
Editorial: Oxford University Press, Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, ISBN 019517738X, 2005.
This Santa Fe Institute volume is intended to be a standard reference to statistical physics methods in computer science theory, particularly in relation to the study of phase transitions in combinatorial problems. It will contain both basic pedagogical material and technical tips and discussions to review the field from a broad perspective. The study of phase transitions in combinatorial problems originated about 50 years ago in work on random graphs by Erdos and Renyi. During the past 10 years, there has been increasing appreciation of the relevance of phase transitions to algorithmic performance on computationally hard problems. Mathematicians, computer scientists and physicists have been working to develop the theoretical tools to understand the processes fundamental to computation. This book should appeal strongly to the interdisciplinary group of information scientists.
Cuvinte cheie: phase transitions in combinatorial problems, computational complexity, statistical physics