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Autori: Vadineanu A., Cristofor S., Iordache V.
Editorial: B. Gopal, W. J. Junk and J. A. Davis, Backhuys Publishers, Biodiversity in Wetlands: Assessment, Function and Conservation, p.29-63, 2001.
Preserving a still high natural ecological value, the Lower Danube River System (LDRS) is a good example of a large ecological system in a critical unstable balance. The biodiversity changes along LDRS are discussed based on existing data from last four decades and on results of own research from the last seventeen years. The general methodological framework of data processing and interpretation is system identification. The paper addresses the following issues: structural heterogeneity of LDRS, diversity of local landscapes, ecosystems diversity in abiotic (hydrogeomorphic unit) and biotic (community) terms, species diversity of selected trophodynamic modules, functional diversity, and finally diversity of goods and services provided by LDRS as well as ethno-cultural diversity. Data analysis at landscape, ecosystem and species level has pointed out a large spectrum of biodiversity changes generated by local (within LDRS) and regional (catchment scale) social-economic factors. These changes had as consequence the reduction of the offer of goods and services provided to local and regional social-economic systems, which in turn generated changes in their management strategy. Sustainable management supposes the reduction of the human pressure at local and catchment level, the equitable sharing of benefits, as well as the mitigation, rehabilitation and restoration of altered structures and functions. This kind of management approaches needs appropriate scientific support and an unitary ecological network to integrate local and national efforts in the regional and European programs. An appropriate information system based on data and knowledge provided by long-term research and integrated monitoring programmes is the backbone of a decision support system for LDRS redesign and management in accordance with the principles of sustainable socio-economic development.
Cuvinte cheie: Fluvial systems, floodplain wetlands, systems identification, ecosystems diversity, species diversity, management practices, landscape planning, decision support systems // Fluvial systems, floodplain wetlands, systems identification, ecosystems diversity, species diversity, management practices, landscape planning, decision support systems