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Alexandru I. Petrisor, Alan W. Decho Analysis of the Orientation of Cyanobacteria in Bahamian Stromatolite Mats Using a Digital Image Analysis and GIS-Based Approach. Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai - Biologia, p.71-81, 2006.
Alexandru I. Petrisor, Alan W. Decho Using geographical information techniques to quantify the spatial structure of endolithic boring processes within sediment grains of marine stromatolites. Journal of Microbiological Methods, p.173-180, 2004.
Alexandru I. Petrisor, Adrian Cuc, Alan W. Decho Reconstruction and computation of microscale biovolumes using geographical information systems: potential difficulties. Research in Microbiology, p.447-454, 2004.
Alexandru I. Petrisor, Tomohiro Kawaguchi, Alan W. Decho Quantifying CaCO3 Microprecipitates Within Developing Surface Mats of Marine Stromatolites Using GIS and Digital Image Analysis. Geomicrobiology Journal, p.491-496, 2004.
Alexandru I. Petrisor Ecology and Orthodox Theology. Revista romana de bioetica, p.82-91, 2006.
Alexandru I. Petrisor Looking at deterioration of the environment. Revista romana de bioetica, p.62-66, 2007.
Alexandru I. Petrisor Spatial approach to the assessment of anthropogenic impact on biodiversity based on the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) applicable to Romania. Oltenia. Studii si comunicari. Stiintele Naturii, p.305-308, 2009.
Alexandru I. Petrisor GIS assessment of landform diversity covered by natural protected areas in Romania. Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis, Life Sciences Series, p.359-363, 2009.
Petrisor AI GIS-based assessment of the landform distribution of 2100 predicted climate change and its influence on biodiversity and natural protected areas in Romania. Oltenia. Studii si comunicari. Stiintele Naturii, p.247-256, 2010.
Zinevici V, Parpala L, Petrisor AI, Florescu L Long-term dynamics of zooplankton in the Matita and Merhei shallow lakes (the Danube Delta, Romania). 1. Diversity and abundance. Travaux du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle "Grigore Antipa", p.423-442, 2010.
Zinevici V, Parpala L, Petrisor AI, Florescu L Long-term dynamics of zooplankton in the Matita and Merhei shallow lakes (the Danube Delta, Romania). 1. Diversity and abundance. Travaux du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle "Grigore Antipa", p.423-442, 2010.
Scaunasu DA, Petrisor AI, Ivanov FM Diversity of arthropod communities as an indicator of changes produced by the utilization of silvicultural techniques. Ekologia, p.22-32, 2012.
Petrisor AI Dynamics of the environmental transformation processes during 1990-2006 in Romania reflected by land cover and use changes. Present Environment and Sustainable Development, p.353-365, 2012.
Petrişor AI Using Geostatistical Tools to Pinpoint ‘Hotspots’ Showing Biodiversity Threats: Romania as a Case Study. Advances in Environmental Research, p.281-290, 2013.
Petrisor AI, Szyjka S, Kawaguchi T, Visscher PT, Norman RS, Decho AW Changing Microspatial Patterns of Sulfate-Reducing Microorganisms (SRM) during Cycling of Marine Stromatolite Mats. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, p.850-877, 2014.
Alexandru I. Petrisor GIS analysis of wetland cover by NATURA 2000 sites. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, p.269-273, 2010.
Saadaoui Islem, Bryant Christopher Robin, Rejeb Hichem, Petrişor Alexandru-Ionuţ Biodiversity conservation and strategies of public awareness. Case study: the natural landscapes of central Tunisia. Present Environment and Sustainable Development, p.263-278, 2018.
Petrişor Alexandru-Ionuţ, Tîrziman Elena Communism and environmentalism: documenting environmental conflicts induced by changing political regimes. Problemy ekorozwoju – Problems of sustainable development, p.175-184, 2019.
Xu, J.-H., Wang, R., Li, X., Miclaus, M., Messing, J. Locus- and site-specific DNA methylation of 19 kDa zein genes in maize. PLoS One, p.e0146416, 2016.
Miclaus, M., Balacescu, O., Has, I., Balacescu, L., Has, V., Suteu, D., Neuenschwander, S., Keller, I., Bruggmann, R. Maize Cytolines Unmask Key Nuclear Genes That Are under the Control of Retrograde Signaling Pathways in Plants. Genome Biology and Evolution, p.3256-3270, 2016.
Mentel M, Ionescu AE, Puscalau-Girtu I, Helm MS, Badea RA, Rizzoli SO, Szedlacsek SE. WDR1 is a novel EYA3 substrate and its dephosphorylation induces modifications of the cellular actin cytoskeleton. Scientific Reports, p.2910, 2018.
Cărnuță M.G., C..S Stancu, L. Toma, G.M. Sanda, L.S. Niculescu, M. Deleanu, A.C. Popescu, M.R Popescu., A. Vlad, D.R. Dimulescu, M. Simionescu, A.V. Sima Dysfunctional high-density lipoproteins have distinct composition, diminished anti-inflammatory potential and discriminate acute coronary syndrome from stable coronary artery disease patients. Scientific Reports, p.7295, 2017.
Toma L., G.M. Sanda, L. Niculescu, M Deleanu., C. Stancu, A.V. Sima. Caffeic acid attenuates the inflammatory stress induced by glycated LDL in human endothelial cells by mechanisms involving inhibition of AGE-receptor, oxidative, and endoplasmic reticulum stress. BioFactors, p.685-697, 2017.
Alexandru N., Andrei E., Niculescu L.S., Dragan E., Ristoiu V., Georgescu A. Microparticles of healthy origins improve endothelial progenitor cell dysfunction via microRNA transfer in an atherosclerotic hamster model. Acta Physiologica, 2017.
Simionescu N., Niculescu L.S., Sanda G.M., Margina D., Sima A.V. Analysis of circulating microRNAs that are specifically increased in hyperlipidemic and/or hyperglycemic sera. Molecular Biology Reports, p.5765-5773, 2014.
Simionescu N., L. S. Niculescu, G.M. Sanda, M.G. Carnuta, C.S. Stancu, A.C. Popescu, M.R. Popescu, A. Vlad, D.R. Dimulescu, M. Simionescu, A.V. Sima Hyperglycemia determines increased specific microRNAs levels in sera and HDL of acute coronary syndrome patients and stimulates microRNAs production in human macrophages. PLoS ONE, p.e0161201, 2016.
Stancu, C.S., Carnuta M.G., G.M. Sanda, L. Toma, M. Deleanu, L.S. Niculescu, S. Sasson, M. Simionescu, A.V Sima Hyperlipidemia-induced hepatic and small intestine ER stress and decreased paraoxonase 1 expression and activity is associated with HDL dysfunction in Syrian hamsters. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, p.2293-2302, 2015.
Niculescu L.S., N. Simionescu, G.M. Sanda, M.G. Carnuta, C.S. Stancu, A.C. Popescu, M.R. Popescu, A. Vlad, D.R. Dimulescu, M. Simionescu, A.V. Sima MiR-486 and miR-92a identified in circulating HDL discriminate between stable and vulnerable coronary artery disease patients. PLoS ONE, p.e0140958, 2015.
Niculescu L.S., Sanda G.M., Sima A.V. HDL inhibit endoplasmic reticulum stress by stimulating apoE and CETP secretion from lipid-loaded macrophages. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, p.173-178, 2013.
Trucchi E, Mazzarella AB, Gilfillan GD, Lorenzo Romero M, Schönswetter P, Paun O. BsRADseq: screening DNA methylation in natural populations of non-model species. Molecular Ecology, p.1697-1713, 2016.
Aurelian Udristioiu Role of P53 gene in oncogenenesis of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Frontier Front. Neurol., p.doi: 10.3389/conf.fneur.2016.59.00101, 2016.
R. Cristescu, A. Visan, G. Socol, A.V. Surdu, A.E. Oprea, A.M. Grumezescu, M.C. Chifiriuc, R.D. Boehm, D. Yamaleyeva, M. Taylor, R.J. Narayan, and D.B. Chrisey Antimicrobial Activity of Biopolymeric Thin Films Containing Flavonoid Natural Compounds and Silver Nanoparticles Fabricated by MAPLE: A Comparative Study. Applied Surface Science, p.290-296, 2016.
Silviu-Laurentiu Badea, Violeta Carolina Niculescu, Roxana-Elena Ionete, Ethel Eljarrat Advances in enantioselective analysis of chiral brominated flame retardants. Current status, limitations and future perspectives. Science of The Total Environment.
Doina Popov Organelles Stress and their Crosstalk within Diabetic Myocardium. Athens Journal of Health, p.117-131, 2015.
Doina Popov Protein S-glutathionylation: from current basics to targeted modifications. Arch Physiol Biochem, p.123-130, 2014.
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Yu X, Cojocaru V, Mustafa G, Salo-Ahen OM, Lepesheva GI, Wade RC Dynamics of CYP51: implications for function and inhibitor design.. Journal of Molecular Recognition, p.59-73, 2015.
Narasimhan K, Pillay S, Huang YH, Jayabal S, Udayasuryan B, Veerapandian V, Kolatkar P, Cojocaru V, Pervushin K, Jauch R DNA-mediated cooperativity facilitates the co-selection of cryptic enhancer sequences by SOX2 and PAX6 transcription factors.. Nucleic Acids Research, p.1513-1528, 2015.
G Balmus, PX Lim, A Oswald, KR Hume, A Cassano, J Pierre, A Hill, W Huang, A August, T Stokol, T Southard, RS Weiss HUS1 regulates in vivo responses to genotoxic chemotherapies. Oncogene, 2015.
Vasilica C. Chinan, Lucian Fusu, Ciprian C. Manzu Firts record of Inocutis tamaricis in Romania with comments on its cultural characteristics. Acta Botanica Croatica, p.187-193, 2015.
Kropat J, Gallaher SD, Urzica EI, Nakamoto SS, Strenkert D, Tottey S, Mason AZ, Merchant SS Copper economy in Chlamydomonas: Prioritized allocation and reallocation of copper to respiration vs. photosynthesis. PNAS, p.2644-51, 2015.
Urzica EI, Vieler A, Hong-Hermesdorf A, Page MD, Casero D, Gallaher SD, Kropat J, Pellegrini M, Benning C, Merchant SS Remodeling of membrane lipids in iron-starved Chlamydomonas. J Biol Chem., p.30246-58, 2013.
Cosmulescu, S., Trandafir, I., Nour, V., Botu, M. Total Phenolic, Flavonoid Distribution and Antioxidant Capacity in Skin, Pulp and Fruit Extracts of Plum Cultivars. Journal of Food Biochemistry, p.64-69, 2015.
I. Zagrai, M. Ravelonandro, I. Gaboreanu, B. Ferencz, R. Scorza, L. Zagrai, B. Kelemen, D. Pamfil, O. Popescu TRANSGENIC PLUMS EXPRESSING PLUM POX VIRUS COAT PROTEIN GENE DO NOT ASSIST THE DEVELOPMENT OF VIRUS RECOMBINANTS UNDER FIELD CONDITIONS. Journal of Plant Pathology, p.159-165, 2011.