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Domenii publicaţii > Biologie + Tipuri publicaţii > Articol în revistã ştiinţificã
Autori: Padure Ioana Marcela
Editorial: Boscaiu N. & Toma C., ROMANIAN ACADEMY Institute of Biology - Bucharest, Romanian Journal of Biology - Plant Biology, 47(1-2), p.57-65, 2002.
The paper presents geographical distribution, ecological and phytocoenological aspects of the N. parviflora populations. N. parviflora is a rare species on the Romanian Red List of Vascular Plants with a restricted areal only in Dobrudja. Although the species is not immediately in danger of extinction its habitat continues to be severely altered indirectly by man, herbivores and repeatable droughts. It is very important to know these aspects to rise the species into a higher sozological thretened category for this beautiful species from Romania.
Cuvinte cheie: distribution, N.parviflora, Lamiaceae, ecology, phytocoenology, red list, site