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Autori: Jahnel J., Neamtu M., Schudoma D., Frimmel F. H
Editorial: Acta hydrochemica et hydrobiologica, 34, p.389-397, 2006.
With the water framework directive the EC-Commission is requested to define environmental quality standards for priority substances to protect aquatic biota in surface waters. Quality standards have to be derived by a scientific risk assessment and should not be exceeded according to article 16 of the water framework directive. In this work funded by the German Länder Working Party on Water (Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft Wasser – LAWA) data sheets for 42 priority substances were prepared and the quality standards for aquatic ecosystems were derived from ecotoxicological data. The data sheets cover the identification of the compounds, their behaviour in the environment (chemical-physical properties, biotic and abiotic degradation, sorption, bioaccumulation), information about mode of action, uses, analytical determination, available quality criteria and ecotoxicological data. A survey of test results with bacteria, algae, protozoa, aquatic plants, crustaceans, fish, amphibians, insects and molluscs is given.
The derivation of the recommended quality standards was performed according to the regulations of the EC that is mainly based on data determined by long term toxicological tests. The lowest test result is divided by an assessment factor between 10 and 1000, which consider the data quality and quantity.
For 13 of the 42 hazardous substances investigated, quality objectives above 1 µg/L were derived. For 10 substances the values were between 0,1 µg/L and 1 µg/L. The lowest values resulted for dibutyl tin chloride (0,0005 µg/L) and the pesticides desmetryn (0,03 µg/L), methylisothiocyanate (0,05 µg/L) und kresoxym acid (0,1 µg/L), showing the environmental importance of these substances. The development of analytical methods for the detection of such low concentrations should be the object of further investigations.
Incomplete ecotoxicological data sets of the remaining compounds do not allow the derivation of quality standards. Especially for drugs further ecotoxicological test results are needed. Besides the aquatic communities risk assessments are also given for sediments and suspended materials and professional and sport fishing considering the accumulation potentials of the investigated substances.
The presented results have to be finally verified by the LAWA before recommendations are given to the EC-Commission.
Cuvinte cheie: quality standards, aquatic biota, surface water, water framework directive